package org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.storages;
import com.graphhopper.storage.*;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.util.EncodeUtils;
public class OsmIdGraphStorage implements GraphExtension {
/* pointer for no entry */
protected final int efOsmid;
protected DataAccess orsEdges;
protected int edgeEntryIndex = 0;
protected int edgeEntryBytes;
protected int edgesCount; // number of edges with custom values
private final byte[] byteValues;
public OsmIdGraphStorage() {
efOsmid = 0;
edgeEntryBytes = edgeEntryIndex + 4;
edgesCount = 0;
byteValues = new byte[4];
public void init(Graph graph, Directory dir) {
if (edgesCount > 0)
throw new AssertionError("The ORS storage must be initialized only once.");
this.orsEdges = dir.find("ext_osmids");
* initializes the extended storage to be empty - required for testing purposes as the ext_storage aren't created
* at the time tests are run
public void init() {
if (edgesCount > 0)
throw new AssertionError("The ORS storage must be initialized only once.");
Directory d = new RAMDirectory();
this.orsEdges = d.find("");
public OsmIdGraphStorage create(long initBytes) {
orsEdges.create(initBytes * edgeEntryBytes);
return this;
public void flush() {
orsEdges.setHeader(0, edgeEntryBytes);
orsEdges.setHeader(4, edgesCount);
public void close() {
public long getCapacity() {
return orsEdges.getCapacity();
public int entries() {
return edgesCount;
public boolean loadExisting() {
if (!orsEdges.loadExisting())
throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to load storage 'ext_osmids'. corrupt file or directory? ");
edgeEntryBytes = orsEdges.getHeader(0);
edgesCount = orsEdges.getHeader(4);
return true;
void ensureEdgesIndex(int edgeIndex) {
orsEdges.ensureCapacity(((long) edgeIndex + 1) * edgeEntryBytes);
* Set the osm id of an edge to the spcified value.
* @param edgeId The internal id of the edge in the graph
* @param osmId The osm idto be assigned ot the edge
public void setEdgeValue(int edgeId, long osmId) {
// add entry
long edgePointer = (long) edgeId * edgeEntryBytes;
byte[] tempBytes = EncodeUtils.longToByteArray(osmId);
byteValues[0] = tempBytes[4];
byteValues[1] = tempBytes[5];
byteValues[2] = tempBytes[6];
byteValues[3] = tempBytes[7];
orsEdges.setBytes(edgePointer + efOsmid, byteValues, 4);
* Get the OSM id of the edge specified
* @param edgeId The internal graph id of the edge that the OSM way ID is required for
* @return The OSM ID that was stored for the edge (normally the OSM ID of the way the edge was created from)
public long getEdgeValue(int edgeId) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[4];
long edgePointer = (long) edgeId * edgeEntryBytes;
orsEdges.getBytes(edgePointer + efOsmid, buffer, 4);
return EncodeUtils.byteArrayToLong(buffer);
public boolean isClosed() {
return false;