
/*  This file is part of Openrouteservice.
 *  Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
 *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
 *  if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.flagencoders;

import com.graphhopper.reader.ReaderNode;
import com.graphhopper.reader.ReaderWay;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.EncodingManager;
import com.graphhopper.storage.IntsRef;
import com.graphhopper.util.PMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.reader.osmfeatureprocessors.OSMAttachedSidewalkProcessor;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.reader.osmfeatureprocessors.OSMPedestrianProcessor;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.util.PriorityCode;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import static com.graphhopper.routing.ev.RouteNetwork.*;
import static org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.util.PriorityCode.*;

public class WheelchairFlagEncoder extends FootFlagEncoder {
    public static final String KEY_HORSE = "horse";
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(WheelchairFlagEncoder.class.getName());
    public static final int MEAN_SPEED = 4;
    public static final String KEY_WHEELCHAIR = "wheelchair";
    public static final String KEY_FOOTWAY = "footway";
    public static final String KEY_PEDESTRIAN = "pedestrian";
    public static final String KEY_LIVING_STREET = "living_street";
    public static final String KEY_BRIDLEWAY = "bridleway";
    public static final String KEY_SIDEWALK = "sidewalk";
    public static final String KEY_HIGHWAY = "highway";
    public static final String KEY_ROUTE = "route";
    public static final String KEY_BICYCLE = "bicycle";
    public static final String KEY_DESIGNATED = "designated";
    public static final String KEY_OFFICIAL = "official";
    public static final String KEY_CROSSING = "crossing";
    public static final String KEY_CYCLEWAY = "cycleway";
    public static final String KEY_SURFACE = "surface";
    public static final String KEY_SMOOTHNESS = "smoothness";
    public static final String KEY_TRACKTYPE = "tracktype";
    public static final String DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED = "way skipped (%s): %d - Tags: %s";
    private double problematicSpeedFactor = 1;
    private double preferredSpeedFactor = 1;

    private final OSMAttachedSidewalkProcessor osmAttachedSidewalkProcessor = new OSMAttachedSidewalkProcessor();
    private final OSMPedestrianProcessor osmPedestrianProcessor = new OSMPedestrianProcessor();

    protected Set<String> acceptedPublicTransport = new HashSet<>(5);

     * Fully suitable for wheelchair users
    private final Set<String> fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways = new HashSet<>();

     * Suitable for wheelchair users. However highways falling into this category that explicitly indicate a sidewalk is available will be prefered
    private final Set<String> assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways = new HashSet<>();

     * Highways that fall into this category will only be considered if further information about surface/smoothness is available
    private final Set<String> limitedWheelchairAccessibleHighways = new HashSet<>();

     * Highways that fall into this category will only be considered if further information about surface/smoothness is available
    private final Set<String> restrictedWheelchairHighways = new HashSet<>();

     * Highways that fall into this category cannot be accessed by Wheelchair users (e.g. steps)
    private final Set<String> nonWheelchairAccessibleHighways = new HashSet<>();

     * Surfaces that should be avoided
    private final Set<String> problematicSurfaces = new HashSet<>();

     * Surfaces that are absolutely inaccessible
    private final Set<String> inaccessibleSurfaces = new HashSet<>();

     * Smoothnesses that are absolutely inaccessible
    private final Set<String> inaccessibleSmoothnesses = new HashSet<>();

     * Smoothnesses that should be avoided
    private final Set<String> problematicSmoothnesses = new HashSet<>();

     * preferred Surfaces
    private final Set<String> preferredSurfaces = new HashSet<>();

     * preferred Smoothnesses
    private final Set<String> preferredSmoothnesses = new HashSet<>();

     * Tracktypes that are absolutely inaccessible
    private final Set<String> inaccessibleTracktypes = new HashSet<>();

     * SAC scales that are absolutely inaccessible
    private final Set<String> inaccessibleSacScales = new HashSet<>();

     * Tracktypes that should be avoided
    private final Set<String> problematicTracktypes = new HashSet<>();

     * Barriers (nodes) that are not accessible. Routes that would these nodes are not possible.
    private final Set<String> inaccessibleBarriers = new HashSet<>(5);

    private final Set<String> accessibilityRelatedAttributes = new HashSet<>();

    public WheelchairFlagEncoder(PMap configuration) {
        this(configuration.getInt("speed_bits", 4),
                configuration.getDouble("speed_factor", 1));

        problematicSpeedFactor = configuration.getDouble("problematic_speed_factor", 1);
        preferredSpeedFactor = configuration.getDouble("preferred_speed_factor", 1);


     * Should be only instantiated via EncodingManager
    public WheelchairFlagEncoder() {
        this(4, 1);

    public WheelchairFlagEncoder(int speedBits, double speedFactor) {
        super(speedBits, speedFactor);
        // test for the following restriction keys


        // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:barrier
        // http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=barrier#values

        // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:barrier
        // http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/?key=barrier#values
        // potential barriers do not block, if no further information is available

        // add these to absolute barriers

        // acceptedPublicTransport.add("halt"); --> usually describes a building, not a platform
        // acceptedPublicTransport.add("station"); --> usually describes a building, not a platform
        // acceptedPublicTransport.add("subway_entrance");  --> usually describes a sub entrance (building), not a platform
        // acceptedPublicTransport.add("tram_stop"); --> usually describes the stop itself, not the platform

        // include funicular, rail, light_rail, subway, narrow_gauge, aerialway=cablecar (tram is already included via AbstractFlagEncoder) with high costs?
        // --> this would be multi-modal routing, which is currently discouraged for ORS

        // fully wheelchair accessible, needs double check with tracktype, surface, smoothness
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add(KEY_FOOTWAY); // fußweg, separat modelliert
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add(KEY_PEDESTRIAN); // fußgängerzone
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add(KEY_LIVING_STREET); //spielstraße
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("residential"); // Straße im Wohngebiet
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("unclassified"); // unklassifizierter Fahrweg, meistens schmal
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("service"); // Zufahrtsweg
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("tertiary"); // Kreisstraße
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("tertiary_link"); // Kreisstraßenabfahrt
        fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("road"); // neue Straße, Klassifizierung bisher unklar

        assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("trunk"); // Schnellstraße
        assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("trunk_link"); // Schnellstraßenabfahrt
        assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("primary"); // Bundesstraße
        assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("primary_link"); //Bundessstraßenabfahrt
        assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("secondary"); // Staatsstraße
        assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("secondary_link"); // Staatsstraßenabfahrt

        // potentially not suitable for wheelchair users
        limitedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("path"); // Wanderweg
        limitedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("track"); // Feldweg
        limitedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add(KEY_BRIDLEWAY); // Reitweg

        // highways that are not suitable for wheelchair users
        nonWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("steps"); // Treppen
        nonWheelchairAccessibleHighways.add("construction"); // Baustellen

        // attributes to be checked for limited wheelchair accessible highways

        // inaccessible SAC scales

        // fill Set of inaccessible Surfaces etc

        routeMap.put(INTERNATIONAL, PREFER.getValue());
        routeMap.put(NATIONAL, PREFER.getValue());
        routeMap.put(REGIONAL, PREFER.getValue());
        routeMap.put(LOCAL, PREFER.getValue());
        routeMap.put(OTHER, PREFER.getValue());

    public double getMeanSpeed() {
        return MEAN_SPEED;

     * Some ways are okay but not separate for pedestrians.
    public EncodingManager.Access getAccess(ReaderWay way) {
        // check access restrictions
        if (way.hasTag(restrictions, restrictedValues) && !(way.hasTag(restrictions, intendedValues) || way.hasTag(KEY_SIDEWALK, usableSidewalkValues))) {
            LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("access restrictions", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
            return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

        String highwayValue = way.getTag(KEY_HIGHWAY);
        if (highwayValue == null) {

            // ferries and shuttle_trains
            if (way.hasTag(KEY_ROUTE, ferries)) {
                // check whether information on wheelchair accessbility is available
                if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR)) {
                    // wheelchair=yes, designated, official, permissive, limited
                    if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, intendedValues)) {
                        return EncodingManager.Access.FERRY;
                    // wheelchair=no, restricted, private
                    if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, restrictedValues)) {
                        LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("no wheelchair ferry", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                        return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;
                if (way.hasTag("foot")) {
                    // foot=yes, designated, official, permissive, limited
                    if (way.hasTag("foot", intendedValues)) {
                        return EncodingManager.Access.FERRY;
                    // foot=no, restricted, private
                    if (way.hasTag("foot", restrictedValues)) {
                        LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("no pedestrian ferry", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                        return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;
                return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;

            // public transport in general
            // railways (platform, station)
            if (way.hasTag("public_transport", acceptedPublicTransport) || way.hasTag("railway", acceptedPublicTransport)) {
                // check whether information on wheelchair accessbility is available
                if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR)) {
                    // wheelchair=yes, designated, official, permissive, limited
                    if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, intendedValues)) {
                        return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;
                    // wheelchair=no, restricted, private
                    if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, restrictedValues)) {
                        LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("no wheelchair public transport", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                        return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;
                if (way.hasTag("foot")) {
                    // foot=yes, designated, official, permissive, limited
                    if (way.hasTag("foot", intendedValues)) {
                        return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;
                    // foot=no, restricted, private
                    if (way.hasTag("foot", restrictedValues)) {
                        LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("no pedestrian public transport", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                        return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;
                return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;
            // no highway, no ferry, no railway? --> do not accept way
            LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("no highway, no ferry, no railway", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
            return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;
        // highway != null
        else {
            // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:sac_scale
            if (way.hasTag("sac_scale", inaccessibleSacScales)) {
                // everything except "hiking" is probably not possible for wheelchair user
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("bad sac scale", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            if (way.hasTag(KEY_SURFACE, inaccessibleSurfaces)) {
                // earth, grass, dirt, mud, sand, snow, ice
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("bad surface", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            if (way.hasTag(KEY_SMOOTHNESS, inaccessibleSmoothnesses)) {
                // bad or worse
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("bad smoothness", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            if (way.hasTag(KEY_TRACKTYPE, inaccessibleTracktypes)) {
                // grade4 and grade5
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("bad tracktype", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            // wheelchair=yes, designated, official, permissive, limited
            if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, intendedValues)) {
                return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;
            // wheelchair=no, restricted, private
            if (way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, restrictedValues)) {
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("wheelchair no, restricted or private", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            // do not include nonWheelchairAccessibleHighways
            if (nonWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue)) {
                // check for wheelchair accessibility
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("in nonWheelchairAccessibleHighways list", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            // foot=yes, designated, official, permissive, limited
            if (way.hasTag("foot", intendedValues)) {
                return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;

            // foot=no, restricted, private
            if (way.hasTag("foot", restrictedValues)) {
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("pedestrian no, restricted or private", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            if (way.hasTag(KEY_SIDEWALK, usableSidewalkValues)) {
                return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;

            if (way.hasTag(KEY_SIDEWALK, noSidewalkValues) && assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue)) {
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("in assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways list with no sidewalks", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            // explicit motorroads are not usable
            if (way.hasTag("motorroad", "yes")) {
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("motorroad", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            // do not get our feet wet, "yes" is already included above
            if (isBlockFords() && (way.hasTag(KEY_HIGHWAY, "ford") || way.hasTag("ford"))) {
                LOGGER.trace(DEBUG_MSG_SKIPPED.formatted("ford", way.getId(), way.getTags().toString()));
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            // In some countries bridleways cannot be travelled by anything other than a horse, so we should check if they have been explicitly allowed for foot or pedestrian
            if (highwayValue.equals(KEY_BRIDLEWAY) && !(way.hasTag("foot", intendedValues) || way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, intendedValues))) {
                return EncodingManager.Access.CAN_SKIP;

            if (fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue) || assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue) || limitedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue)) {
                // check whether information on wheelchair accessbility is available and mark for suitability
                way.setTag("wheelchair_accessible", true);
                return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;

            // anything else
            return EncodingManager.Access.WAY;

    public IntsRef handleWayTags(IntsRef edgeFlags, ReaderWay way, EncodingManager.Access access, IntsRef relationFlags) {

        if (access.canSkip())
            return edgeFlags;

        if (!access.isFerry()) {
            // TODO: Depending on availability of sidewalk, surface, smoothness, tracktype and incline MEAN_SPEED or SLOW_SPEED should be encoded
            // TODO: Maybe also implement AvoidFeaturesWeighting for Wheelchairs

            // *****************************************  Runge
            // This is a trick, where we try to underrate the speed for highways that do not have tagged sidewalks.
            // TODO: this actually affects travel time estimation (might be a good or negative side effect depending on context)
            double speed = MEAN_SPEED;
            if (way.hasTag(KEY_HIGHWAY)) {

                String highway = way.getTag(KEY_HIGHWAY);
                if (assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highway) && !way.hasTag(KEY_SIDEWALK, usableSidewalkValues)) {
                    speed *= 0.8d;
                if (fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highway)) {
                    if (highway.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_FOOTWAY)
                            || highway.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_PEDESTRIAN)
                            || highway.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_LIVING_STREET)
                            || highway.equalsIgnoreCase("residential")
                    ) {
                        speed *= 1.25d;
                        if (way.hasTag(KEY_FOOTWAY, KEY_CROSSING) || way.hasTag(KEY_HIGHWAY, KEY_CROSSING)) {
                            speed *= 2d; // should not exceed 10 in total due to encoding restrictions
                    // residential, unclassified
                    else if (!way.hasTag(KEY_SIDEWALK, usableSidewalkValues)) {
                        speed *= 0.9d;
                if (restrictedWheelchairHighways.contains(highway) && (way.hasTag("foot", intendedValues) || way.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, intendedValues))) {
                    speed *= 1.25d;
                    if (way.hasTag(KEY_CYCLEWAY, KEY_CROSSING) || way.hasTag(KEY_BRIDLEWAY, KEY_CROSSING) || way.hasTag(KEY_HIGHWAY, KEY_CROSSING)) {
                        speed *= 2d; // should not exceed 10 in total due to encoding restrictions
            if (way.hasTag(KEY_SURFACE, problematicSurfaces)
                    || way.hasTag(KEY_SMOOTHNESS, problematicSmoothnesses)
                    || way.hasTag(KEY_TRACKTYPE, problematicTracktypes)
                speed *= problematicSpeedFactor;

            if (way.hasTag(KEY_SURFACE, preferredSurfaces)
                    || way.hasTag(KEY_SMOOTHNESS, preferredSmoothnesses)
                speed *= preferredSpeedFactor;

            if (speed > 10d)
                speed = 10d;

            if (speed < 1d)
                speed = 1d;

            // *****************************************

            avgSpeedEnc.setDecimal(false, edgeFlags, speed);

            accessEnc.setBool(false, edgeFlags, true);
            accessEnc.setBool(true, edgeFlags, true);

            Integer priorityFromRelation = routeMap.get(footRouteEnc.getEnum(false, edgeFlags));
            priorityWayEncoder.setDecimal(false, edgeFlags, PriorityCode.getFactor(handlePriority(way, priorityFromRelation != null ? priorityFromRelation : 0)));
        } else {
            double ferrySpeed = ferrySpeedCalc.getSpeed(way);
            setSpeed(false, edgeFlags, ferrySpeed);
            accessEnc.setBool(false, edgeFlags, true);
            accessEnc.setBool(true, edgeFlags, true);

        return edgeFlags;

     * Parse tags on nodes. Node tags can add to speed (like traffic_signals) where the value is
     * strict negative or block access (like a barrier), then the value is strict positive. This
     * method is called in the second parsing step.
    public long handleNodeTags(ReaderNode node) {
        long encoded = super.handleNodeTags(node);
        // We want to be more strict with fords, as only if it is declared as wheelchair accessible do we want to cross it
        if (isBlockFords() && (node.hasTag(KEY_HIGHWAY, "ford") || node.hasTag("ford")) && !node.hasTag(KEY_WHEELCHAIR, intendedValues)) {
            encoded = getEncoderBit();
        return encoded;

    protected int handlePriority(ReaderWay way, int priorityFromRelation) {
        int positiveFeatures = 0;
        int negativeFeatures = 0;

        // http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Key:traffic_calming
        String highwayValue = way.getTag(KEY_HIGHWAY);
        double maxSpeed = getMaxSpeed(way);

        if (isValidSpeed(maxSpeed)) {
            if (maxSpeed > 50) {
                if (maxSpeed > 60) {
                    if (maxSpeed > 80) {

            if (maxSpeed <= 20) {
                positiveFeatures += 1;

        if (way.hasTag("tunnel", intendedValues)) {
            negativeFeatures += 4;

        if ((way.hasTag(KEY_BICYCLE, KEY_DESIGNATED)
                || way.hasTag(KEY_BICYCLE, KEY_OFFICIAL)
                || way.hasTag(KEY_CYCLEWAY, KEY_DESIGNATED)
                || way.hasTag(KEY_CYCLEWAY, KEY_OFFICIAL)
                || way.hasTag(KEY_HORSE, KEY_DESIGNATED)
                || way.hasTag(KEY_HORSE, KEY_OFFICIAL)
        ) && !way.hasTag(restrictions, intendedValues)) {
            negativeFeatures += 4;

        // put penalty on these ways if no further information is available
        if (limitedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue)) {
            boolean hasAccessibilityRelatedAttributes = false;
            for (String key : accessibilityRelatedAttributes) {
                hasAccessibilityRelatedAttributes |= way.hasTag(key);
            if (!hasAccessibilityRelatedAttributes) {
                negativeFeatures += 2;

        if (assumedWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue)) {
            if (highwayValue.equalsIgnoreCase("trunk") || highwayValue.equalsIgnoreCase("trunk_link")) {
                negativeFeatures += 5;
            } else if (highwayValue.equalsIgnoreCase("primary") || highwayValue.equalsIgnoreCase("primary_link")) {
                negativeFeatures += 3;
            } else { // secondary, tertiary, road, service
                negativeFeatures += 1;

        // do not rate foot features twice
        boolean isFootEvaluated = false;
        if (fullyWheelchairAccessibleHighways.contains(highwayValue)) {
            if (highwayValue.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_FOOTWAY) || highwayValue.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_PEDESTRIAN) || highwayValue.equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_LIVING_STREET)) {
                positiveFeatures += 5;
                isFootEvaluated = true;
            } else {
                // residential, unclassified

        if (!isFootEvaluated) {
            // key=sidewalk
            if (way.hasTag(KEY_SIDEWALK, usableSidewalkValues)) {
                positiveFeatures += 5;
            // key=foot
            else if (way.hasTag("foot", KEY_DESIGNATED)) {
                positiveFeatures += 5;
            } else if (way.hasTag("foot", intendedValues) || way.hasTag(KEY_BICYCLE, KEY_DESIGNATED)) {
                positiveFeatures += 2;

        if (!osmAttachedSidewalkProcessor.hasSidewalkInfo(way) && !osmPedestrianProcessor.isPedestrianisedWay(way))
            negativeFeatures += 2;

        int sum = positiveFeatures - negativeFeatures;

        if (sum <= -6) return AVOID_AT_ALL_COSTS.getValue();
        else if (sum <= -3) return REACH_DEST.getValue();
        else if (sum <= -1) return AVOID_IF_POSSIBLE.getValue();
        else if (sum == 0) return UNCHANGED.getValue();
        else if (sum <= 2) return PREFER.getValue();
        else if (sum <= 5) return VERY_NICE.getValue();
        else return BEST.getValue();

    public String toString() {
        return FlagEncoderNames.WHEELCHAIR;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        final WheelchairFlagEncoder other = (WheelchairFlagEncoder) obj;
        return toString().equals(other.toString());

    public int hashCode() {
        return ("WheelchairFlagEncoder" + this).hashCode();