package org.heigit.ors.util;
import com.graphhopper.util.PMap;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.RoutingProfileType;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.WeightingMethod;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.util.ORSParameters;
public class ProfileTools {
public static final String VAL_RECOMMENDED = "recommended";
private static final String KEY_WEIGHTING = "weighting";
private static final String KEY_WEIGHTING_METHOD = "weighting_method";
public static final String KEY_CH_DISABLE = "ch.disable";
public static final String KEY_LM_DISABLE = "lm.disable";
public static final String KEY_CORE_DISABLE = "core.disable";
public static final String KEY_PREPARE_CORE_WEIGHTINGS = "prepare.core.weightings";
public static final String KEY_PREPARE_FASTISOCHRONE_WEIGHTINGS = "prepare.fastisochrone.weightings";
public static final String KEY_METHODS_CH = "";
public static final String KEY_ENABLED = "enabled";
public static final String KEY_THREADS = "threads";
public static final String KEY_WEIGHTINGS = "weightings";
public static final String KEY_LMSETS = "lmsets";
public static final String KEY_MAXCELLNODES = "maxcellnodes";
public static final String KEY_METHODS_LM = "methods.lm";
public static final String KEY_LANDMARKS = "landmarks";
public static final String KEY_METHODS_CORE = "methods.core";
public static final String KEY_ACTIVE_LANDMARKS = "active_landmarks";
public static final String KEY_TOTAL_POP = "total_pop";
public static final String KEY_TOTAL_AREA_KM = "total_area_km";
public static final int KEY_FLEX_STATIC = 0;
public static final int KEY_FLEX_PREPROCESSED = 1;
public static final int KEY_FLEX_FULLY = 2;
public static final String KEY_CUSTOM_WEIGHTINGS = "custom_weightings";
public static final String VAL_SHORTEST = "shortest";
public static final String VAL_FASTEST = "fastest";
public static String makeProfileName(String vehicleName, String weightingName, boolean hasTurnCosts) {
String profileName = vehicleName + "_" + weightingName;
if (hasTurnCosts)
profileName += "_with_turn_costs";
return profileName;
* Set the weightingMethod for the request based on input weighting.
* @param map Hints map for setting up the request
* @param requestWeighting Originally requested weighting
* @param profileType Necessary for HGV
public static void setWeightingMethod(PMap map, int requestWeighting, int profileType, boolean hasTimeDependentSpeed) {
String weightingMethod = VAL_RECOMMENDED;
if (requestWeighting == WeightingMethod.SHORTEST)
weightingMethod = VAL_SHORTEST;
//For a requested recommended weighting, use recommended for bike, walking and hgv. Use fastest for car.
if (requestWeighting == WeightingMethod.RECOMMENDED || requestWeighting == WeightingMethod.FASTEST) {
if (profileType == RoutingProfileType.DRIVING_CAR) {
weightingMethod = VAL_FASTEST;
if (RoutingProfileType.isHeavyVehicle(profileType) || RoutingProfileType.isCycling(profileType) || RoutingProfileType.isWalking(profileType)) {
weightingMethod = VAL_RECOMMENDED;
map.putObject(KEY_WEIGHTING_METHOD, weightingMethod);
if (hasTimeDependentSpeed)
map.putObject(ORSParameters.Weighting.TIME_DEPENDENT_SPEED_OR_ACCESS, true);
* Set the weighting for the request based on input weighting.
* @param map Hints map for setting up the request
* @param requestWeighting Originally requested weighting
* @param profileType Necessary for HGV
public static void setWeighting(PMap map, int requestWeighting, int profileType, boolean hasTimeDependentSpeed) {
String weighting = VAL_RECOMMENDED;
if (requestWeighting == WeightingMethod.SHORTEST)
weighting = VAL_SHORTEST;
//For a requested recommended weighting, use recommended for bike, walking and hgv. Use fastest for car.
if (requestWeighting == WeightingMethod.RECOMMENDED || requestWeighting == WeightingMethod.FASTEST) {
if (profileType == RoutingProfileType.DRIVING_CAR) {
weighting = VAL_FASTEST;
if (RoutingProfileType.isHeavyVehicle(profileType) || RoutingProfileType.isCycling(profileType) || RoutingProfileType.isWalking(profileType)) {
weighting = VAL_RECOMMENDED;
map.putObject(KEY_WEIGHTING, weighting);
if (hasTimeDependentSpeed)
map.putObject(ORSParameters.Weighting.TIME_DEPENDENT_SPEED_OR_ACCESS, true);