/*  This file is part of Openrouteservice.
 *  Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
 *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
 *  if not, see <>.
package org.heigit.ors.routing;

import com.graphhopper.GHResponse;
import com.graphhopper.util.AngleCalc;
import com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalc;
import com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalcEarth;
import com.graphhopper.util.PointList;
import com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.ConnectionNotFoundException;
import com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.MaximumNodesExceededException;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.heigit.ors.config.EngineConfig;
import org.heigit.ors.exceptions.*;
import org.heigit.ors.export.ExportErrorCodes;
import org.heigit.ors.export.ExportRequest;
import org.heigit.ors.export.ExportResult;
import org.heigit.ors.isochrones.IsochroneMap;
import org.heigit.ors.isochrones.IsochroneSearchParameters;
import org.heigit.ors.mapmatching.MapMatchingRequest;
import org.heigit.ors.matrix.MatrixErrorCodes;
import org.heigit.ors.matrix.MatrixRequest;
import org.heigit.ors.matrix.MatrixResult;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.configuration.RouteProfileConfiguration;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.configuration.RoutingManagerConfiguration;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.pathprocessors.ExtraInfoProcessor;
import org.heigit.ors.util.FormatUtility;
import org.heigit.ors.util.RuntimeUtility;
import org.heigit.ors.util.StringUtility;
import org.heigit.ors.util.TimeUtility;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class RoutingProfileManager {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(RoutingProfileManager.class.getName());
    public static final String KEY_SKIPPED_EXTRA_INFO = "skipped_extra_info";
    private RoutingProfilesCollection routingProfiles;
    private static RoutingProfileManager instance;

    public RoutingProfileManager(EngineConfig config) {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = this;

    public static synchronized RoutingProfileManager getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("RoutingProfileManager has not been initialized!");
        return instance;

    public void initialize(EngineConfig config) {
        RuntimeUtility.printRAMInfo("", LOGGER);
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            // RoutingManagerConfiguration can be thrown away entirely after config migration
            RoutingManagerConfiguration rmc = RoutingManagerConfiguration.loadFromFile(config.getGraphsRootPath());
            RouteProfileConfiguration[] routeProfileConfigurations = rmc.getProfiles();
            if (routeProfileConfigurations.length == 0) {
                routeProfileConfigurations = config.getProfiles();
            if (routeProfileConfigurations.length == 0) {
                fail("No profiles configured. Exiting.");
            int initializationThreads = config.getInitializationThreads();
  "====> Initializing profiles from '%s' (%d threads) ...".formatted(
                    config.getSourceFile(), initializationThreads));

            routingProfiles = new RoutingProfilesCollection();
            int nRouteInstances = routeProfileConfigurations.length;

            RoutingProfileLoadContext loadCntx = new RoutingProfileLoadContext();
            ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(initializationThreads);
            ExecutorCompletionService<RoutingProfile> compService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(executor);

            int nTotalTasks = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < nRouteInstances; i++) {
                RouteProfileConfiguration rpc = routeProfileConfigurations[i];
                if (!rpc.getEnabled())

                if (rpc.getProfilesTypes() != null) {
                    Callable<RoutingProfile> task = new RoutingProfileLoader(config, rpc, loadCntx);

  "%d profile configurations submitted as tasks.".formatted(nTotalTasks));

            int nCompletedTasks = 0;
            while (nCompletedTasks < nTotalTasks) {
                Future<RoutingProfile> future = compService.take();

                try {
                    RoutingProfile rp = future.get();
                    if (!routingProfiles.add(rp))
                        LOGGER.warn("Routing profile has already been added.");
                } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                    if (ExceptionUtils.indexOfThrowable(e, FileNotFoundException.class) != -1) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Output files can not be written. Make sure ors.engine.graphs_data_access is set to a writable type! ");
                    throw e;
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


  "Total time: " + TimeUtility.getElapsedTime(startTime, true) + ".");
        } catch (ExecutionException ex) {
            fail("Failed to either read or execute the ors configuration and its parameters: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            fail("Unhandled exception at RoutingProfileManager initialization: " + ex.getMessage());

        if (LOGGER.isInfoEnabled())

    public void destroy() {

    private void fail(String message) {

    public RoutingProfilesCollection getProfiles() {
        return routingProfiles;

    public RouteResult matchTrack(MapMatchingRequest req) throws Exception {
        LOGGER.error("mapmatching not implemented. " + req);
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("mapmatching not implemented. " + req);

    public RouteResult[] computeRoundTripRoute(RoutingRequest req) throws Exception {
        List<GHResponse> routes = new ArrayList<>();

        RoutingProfile rp = getRouteProfile(req, false);
        RouteSearchParameters searchParams = req.getSearchParameters();
        RouteProfileConfiguration config = rp.getConfiguration();

        if (config.getMaximumDistanceRoundTripRoutes() != 0 && config.getMaximumDistanceRoundTripRoutes() < searchParams.getRoundTripLength()) {
            throw new ServerLimitExceededException(
                    "The requested route length must not be greater than %s meters.".formatted(config.getMaximumDistanceRoundTripRoutes())

        Coordinate[] coords = req.getCoordinates();
        Coordinate c0 = coords[0];

        ExtraInfoProcessor extraInfoProcessor = null;

        WayPointBearing bearing = null;
        if (searchParams.getBearings() != null) {
            bearing = searchParams.getBearings()[0];

        GHResponse gr = rp.computeRoundTripRoute(c0.y, c0.x, bearing, searchParams, req.getGeometrySimplify());

        if (gr.hasErrors()) {
            if (!gr.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                if (gr.getErrors().get(0) instanceof com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.ConnectionNotFoundException) {
                    throw new RouteNotFoundException(
                            "Unable to find a route for point (%s).".formatted(FormatUtility.formatCoordinate(c0))
                } else if (gr.getErrors().get(0) instanceof com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.PointNotFoundException) {
                    StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
                    for (Throwable error : gr.getErrors()) {
                        if (!message.isEmpty())
                            message.append("; ");
                    throw new PointNotFoundException(message.toString());
                } else {
                    throw new InternalServerException(RoutingErrorCodes.UNKNOWN, gr.getErrors().get(0).getMessage());
            } else {
                // If there are no errors stored but there is indication that there are errors, something strange
                // has happened, so return that a route could not be found
                throw new RouteNotFoundException(
                        "Unable to find a route for point (%s).".formatted(

        try {
            for (Object obj : gr.getReturnObjects()) {
                if (obj instanceof ExtraInfoProcessor processor) {
                    if (extraInfoProcessor == null) {
                        extraInfoProcessor = processor;
                        if (!StringUtility.isNullOrEmpty(processor.getSkippedExtraInfo())) {
                            gr.getHints().putObject(KEY_SKIPPED_EXTRA_INFO, processor.getSkippedExtraInfo());
                    } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {


        List<RouteExtraInfo> extraInfos = extraInfoProcessor != null ? extraInfoProcessor.getExtras() : null;
        return new RouteResultBuilder().createRouteResults(routes, req, new List[]{extraInfos});

    public RouteResult[] computeRoute(RoutingRequest req) throws Exception {
        if (req.getSearchParameters().getRoundTripLength() > 0) {
            return computeRoundTripRoute(req);
        } else {
            return computeLinearRoute(req);

    public RouteResult[] computeLinearRoute(RoutingRequest req) throws Exception {
        List<Integer> skipSegments = req.getSkipSegments();
        List<GHResponse> routes = new ArrayList<>();

        RoutingProfile rp = getRouteProfile(req, false);
        RouteSearchParameters searchParams = req.getSearchParameters();

        Coordinate[] coords = req.getCoordinates();
        Coordinate c0 = coords[0];
        Coordinate c1;
        int nSegments = coords.length - 1;
        GHResponse prevResp = null;
        WayPointBearing[] bearings = (req.getContinueStraight() || searchParams.getBearings() != null) ? new WayPointBearing[2] : null;
        int profileType = req.getSearchParameters().getProfileType();
        double[] radiuses = null;

        if (req.getSearchParameters().getAlternativeRoutesCount() > 1 && coords.length > 2) {
            throw new InternalServerException(RoutingErrorCodes.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, "Alternative routes algorithm does not support more than two way points.");

        int numberOfExpectedExtraInfoProcessors = req.getSearchParameters().getAlternativeRoutesCount() < 0 ? 1 : req.getSearchParameters().getAlternativeRoutesCount();
        ExtraInfoProcessor[] extraInfoProcessors = new ExtraInfoProcessor[numberOfExpectedExtraInfoProcessors];

        for (int i = 1; i <= nSegments; ++i) {
            c1 = coords[i];

            if (bearings != null) {
                bearings[0] = null;
                if (prevResp != null && req.getContinueStraight()) {
                    bearings[0] = new WayPointBearing(getHeadingDirection(prevResp));

                if (searchParams.getBearings() != null) {
                    bearings[0] = searchParams.getBearings()[i - 1];
                    bearings[1] = (i == nSegments && searchParams.getBearings().length != nSegments + 1) ? new WayPointBearing(Double.NaN) : searchParams.getBearings()[i];

            if (searchParams.getMaximumRadiuses() != null) {
                radiuses = new double[2];
                radiuses[0] = searchParams.getMaximumRadiuses()[i - 1];
                radiuses[1] = searchParams.getMaximumRadiuses()[i];
            } else {
                try {
                    int maximumSnappingRadius = routingProfiles.getRouteProfile(profileType).getConfiguration().getMaximumSnappingRadius();
                    radiuses = new double[2];
                    radiuses[0] = maximumSnappingRadius;
                    radiuses[1] = maximumSnappingRadius;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    // do nothing

            GHResponse gr = rp.computeRoute(c0.y, c0.x, c1.y, c1.x, bearings, radiuses, skipSegments.contains(i), searchParams, req.getGeometrySimplify());

            if (gr.hasErrors()) {
                if (!gr.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
                    if (gr.getErrors().get(0) instanceof com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.ConnectionNotFoundException) {
                        Map<String, Object> details = ((ConnectionNotFoundException) gr.getErrors().get(0)).getDetails();
                        if (!details.isEmpty()) {
                            int code = RoutingErrorCodes.ROUTE_NOT_FOUND;
                            if (details.containsKey("entry_not_reached") && details.containsKey("exit_not_reached")) {
                                code = RoutingErrorCodes.PT_NOT_REACHED;
                            } else if (details.containsKey("entry_not_reached")) {
                                code = RoutingErrorCodes.PT_ENTRY_NOT_REACHED;
                            } else if (details.containsKey("exit_not_reached")) {
                                code = RoutingErrorCodes.PT_EXIT_NOT_REACHED;
                            } else if (details.containsKey("combined_not_reached")) {
                                code = RoutingErrorCodes.PT_ROUTE_NOT_FOUND;
                            throw new RouteNotFoundException(
                                    "Unable to find a route between points %d (%s) and %d (%s). %s".formatted(
                                            i + 1,
                                            details.values().stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(" "))
                        throw new RouteNotFoundException(
                                "Unable to find a route between points %d (%s) and %d (%s).".formatted(
                                        i + 1,
                    } else if (gr.getErrors().get(0) instanceof com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.MaximumNodesExceededException) {
                        Map<String, Object> details = ((MaximumNodesExceededException) gr.getErrors().get(0)).getDetails();
                        throw new RouteNotFoundException(
                                "Unable to find a route between points %d (%s) and %d (%s). Maximum number of nodes exceeded: %s".formatted(
                                        i + 1,
                    } else if (gr.getErrors().get(0) instanceof com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.PointNotFoundException) {
                        StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
                        for (Throwable error : gr.getErrors()) {
                            if (message.length() > 0)
                                message.append("; ");
                            if (error instanceof com.graphhopper.util.exceptions.PointNotFoundException pointNotFoundException) {
                                int pointReference = (i - 1) + pointNotFoundException.getPointIndex();

                                Coordinate pointCoordinate = (pointNotFoundException.getPointIndex() == 0) ? c0 : c1;
                                double pointRadius = radiuses[pointNotFoundException.getPointIndex()];

                                // -1 is used to indicate the use of internal limits instead of specifying it in the request.
                                // we should therefore let them know that they are already using the limit.
                                if (pointRadius == -1) {
                                    pointRadius = routingProfiles.getRouteProfile(profileType).getConfiguration().getMaximumSnappingRadius();
                                    message.append("Could not find routable point within the maximum possible radius of %.1f meters of specified coordinate %d: %s.".formatted(
                                } else {
                                    message.append("Could not find routable point within a radius of %.1f meters of specified coordinate %d: %s.".formatted(

                            } else {
                        throw new PointNotFoundException(message.toString());
                    } else {
                        throw new InternalServerException(RoutingErrorCodes.UNKNOWN, gr.getErrors().get(0).getMessage());
                } else {
                    // If there are no errors stored but there is indication that there are errors, something strange
                    // has happened, so return that a route could not be found
                    throw new RouteNotFoundException(
                            "Unable to find a route between points %d (%s) and %d (%s).".formatted(
                                    i + 1,

            if (numberOfExpectedExtraInfoProcessors > 1) {
                int extraInfoProcessorIndex = 0;
                for (Object o : gr.getReturnObjects()) {
                    if (o instanceof ExtraInfoProcessor processor) {
                        extraInfoProcessors[extraInfoProcessorIndex] = processor;
                        if (!StringUtility.isNullOrEmpty(processor.getSkippedExtraInfo())) {
                            gr.getHints().putObject(KEY_SKIPPED_EXTRA_INFO, processor.getSkippedExtraInfo());
            } else {
                for (Object o : gr.getReturnObjects()) {
                    if (o instanceof ExtraInfoProcessor processor) {
                        if (extraInfoProcessors[0] == null) {
                            extraInfoProcessors[0] = processor;
                            if (!StringUtility.isNullOrEmpty(processor.getSkippedExtraInfo())) {
                                gr.getHints().putObject(KEY_SKIPPED_EXTRA_INFO, processor.getSkippedExtraInfo());
                        } else {

            prevResp = gr;
            c0 = c1;
        routes = enrichDirectRoutesTime(routes);

        List<RouteExtraInfo>[] extraInfos = new List[numberOfExpectedExtraInfoProcessors];
        int i = 0;
        for (ExtraInfoProcessor e : extraInfoProcessors) {
            extraInfos[i] = e != null ? e.getExtras() : null;
        return new RouteResultBuilder().createRouteResults(routes, req, extraInfos);

     * This will enrich all direct routes with an approximated travel time that is being calculated from the real graphhopper
     * results. The routes object should contain all routes, so the function can maintain and return the proper order!
     * @param routes Should hold all the routes that have been calculated, not only the direct routes.
     * @return will return routes object with enriched direct routes if any we're found in the same order as the input object.
    private List<GHResponse> enrichDirectRoutesTime(List<GHResponse> routes) {
        List<GHResponse> graphhopperRoutes = new ArrayList<>();
        List<GHResponse> directRoutes = new ArrayList<>();
        long graphHopperTravelTime = 0;
        double graphHopperTravelDistance = 0;
        double averageTravelTimePerMeter;

        for (GHResponse ghResponse : routes) {
            if (!ghResponse.getHints().has("skipped_segment")) {
                graphHopperTravelDistance += ghResponse.getBest().getDistance();
                graphHopperTravelTime += ghResponse.getBest().getTime();
            } else {

        if (graphhopperRoutes.isEmpty() || directRoutes.isEmpty()) {
            return routes;

        if (graphHopperTravelDistance == 0) {
            return routes;

        averageTravelTimePerMeter = graphHopperTravelTime / graphHopperTravelDistance;
        for (GHResponse ghResponse : routes) {
            if (ghResponse.getHints().has("skipped_segment")) {
                double directRouteDistance = ghResponse.getBest().getDistance();
                ghResponse.getBest().setTime(Math.round(directRouteDistance * averageTravelTimePerMeter));
                double directRouteInstructionDistance = ghResponse.getBest().getInstructions().get(0).getDistance();
                ghResponse.getBest().getInstructions().get(0).setTime(Math.round(directRouteInstructionDistance * averageTravelTimePerMeter));

        return routes;

    private double getHeadingDirection(GHResponse resp) {
        PointList points = resp.getBest().getPoints();
        int nPoints = points.size();
        if (nPoints > 1) {
            double lon1 = points.getLon(nPoints - 2);
            double lat1 = points.getLat(nPoints - 2);
            double lon2 = points.getLon(nPoints - 1);
            double lat2 = points.getLat(nPoints - 1);
            // For some reason, GH may return a response where the last two points are identical
            if (lon1 == lon2 && lat1 == lat2 && nPoints > 2) {
                lon1 = points.getLon(nPoints - 3);
                lat1 = points.getLat(nPoints - 3);
            return AngleCalc.ANGLE_CALC.calcAzimuth(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2);
        } else
            return 0;

    public RoutingProfile getRouteProfile(RoutingRequest req, boolean oneToMany) throws Exception {
        RouteSearchParameters searchParams = req.getSearchParameters();
        int profileType = searchParams.getProfileType();

        boolean fallbackAlgorithm = searchParams.requiresFullyDynamicWeights();
        boolean dynamicWeights = searchParams.requiresDynamicPreprocessedWeights();
        boolean useAlternativeRoutes = searchParams.getAlternativeRoutesCount() > 1;

        RoutingProfile rp = routingProfiles.getRouteProfile(profileType, !dynamicWeights);

        if (rp == null && !dynamicWeights)
            rp = routingProfiles.getRouteProfile(profileType, false);

        if (rp == null)
            throw new InternalServerException(RoutingErrorCodes.UNKNOWN, "Unable to get an appropriate route profile for RoutePreference = " + RoutingProfileType.getName(req.getSearchParameters().getProfileType()));

        RouteProfileConfiguration config = rp.getConfiguration();

        if (config.getMaximumDistance() > 0
                || (dynamicWeights && config.getMaximumDistanceDynamicWeights() > 0)
                || config.getMaximumWayPoints() > 0
                || (fallbackAlgorithm && config.getMaximumDistanceAvoidAreas() > 0)) {
            Coordinate[] coords = req.getCoordinates();
            int nCoords = coords.length;
            if (config.getMaximumWayPoints() > 0 && !oneToMany && nCoords > config.getMaximumWayPoints()) {
                throw new ServerLimitExceededException(RoutingErrorCodes.REQUEST_EXCEEDS_SERVER_LIMIT, "The specified number of waypoints must not be greater than " + config.getMaximumWayPoints() + ".");

            if (config.getMaximumDistance() > 0
                    || (dynamicWeights && config.getMaximumDistanceDynamicWeights() > 0)
                    || (fallbackAlgorithm && config.getMaximumDistanceAvoidAreas() > 0)) {
                DistanceCalc distCalc = DistanceCalcEarth.DIST_EARTH;

                List<Integer> skipSegments = req.getSkipSegments();
                Coordinate c0 = coords[0];
                Coordinate c1;
                double totalDist = 0.0;

                if (oneToMany) {
                    for (int i = 1; i < nCoords; i++) {
                        c1 = coords[i];
                        totalDist = distCalc.calcDist(c0.y, c0.x, c1.y, c1.x);
                } else {
                    for (int i = 1; i < nCoords; i++) {
                        c1 = coords[i];
                        if (!skipSegments.contains(i)) { // ignore skipped segments
                            totalDist += distCalc.calcDist(c0.y, c0.x, c1.y, c1.x);
                        c0 = c1;

                if (config.getMaximumDistance() > 0 && totalDist > config.getMaximumDistance())
                    throw new ServerLimitExceededException(RoutingErrorCodes.REQUEST_EXCEEDS_SERVER_LIMIT, "The approximated route distance must not be greater than %s meters.".formatted(config.getMaximumDistance()));
                if (dynamicWeights && config.getMaximumDistanceDynamicWeights() > 0 && totalDist > config.getMaximumDistanceDynamicWeights())
                    throw new ServerLimitExceededException(RoutingErrorCodes.REQUEST_EXCEEDS_SERVER_LIMIT, "By dynamic weighting, the approximated distance of a route segment must not be greater than %s meters.".formatted(config.getMaximumDistanceDynamicWeights()));
                if (fallbackAlgorithm && config.getMaximumDistanceAvoidAreas() > 0 && totalDist > config.getMaximumDistanceAvoidAreas())
                    throw new ServerLimitExceededException(RoutingErrorCodes.REQUEST_EXCEEDS_SERVER_LIMIT, "With these options, the approximated route distance must not be greater than %s meters.".formatted(config.getMaximumDistanceAvoidAreas()));
                if (useAlternativeRoutes && config.getMaximumDistanceAlternativeRoutes() > 0 && totalDist > config.getMaximumDistanceAlternativeRoutes())
                    throw new ServerLimitExceededException(RoutingErrorCodes.REQUEST_EXCEEDS_SERVER_LIMIT, "The approximated route distance must not be greater than %s meters for use with the alternative Routes algorithm.".formatted(config.getMaximumDistanceAlternativeRoutes()));

        if (searchParams.hasMaximumSpeed()) {
            if (searchParams.getMaximumSpeed() < config.getMaximumSpeedLowerBound()) {
                throw new ParameterValueException(RoutingErrorCodes.INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE, RouteRequestParameterNames.PARAM_MAXIMUM_SPEED, String.valueOf(searchParams.getMaximumSpeed()), "The maximum speed must not be lower than " + config.getMaximumSpeedLowerBound() + " km/h.");
            if (RoutingProfileCategory.getFromEncoder(rp.getGraphhopper().getEncodingManager()) != RoutingProfileCategory.DRIVING) {
                throw new ParameterValueException(RoutingErrorCodes.INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMETERS, "The maximum speed feature can only be used with cars and heavy vehicles.");

        return rp;

     * This function sends the {@link IsochroneSearchParameters} together with the Attributes to the {@link RoutingProfile}.
     * @param parameters The input is a {@link IsochroneSearchParameters}
     * @return Return is a {@link IsochroneMap} holding the calculated data plus statistical data if the attributes where set.
     * @throws Exception
    public IsochroneMap buildIsochrone(IsochroneSearchParameters parameters) throws Exception {

        int profileType = parameters.getRouteParameters().getProfileType();
        RoutingProfile rp = routingProfiles.getRouteProfile(profileType, false);

        return rp.buildIsochrone(parameters);

    public MatrixResult computeMatrix(MatrixRequest req) throws Exception {
        RoutingProfile rp = routingProfiles.getRouteProfile(req.getProfileType(), !req.getFlexibleMode());

        if (rp == null)
            throw new InternalServerException(MatrixErrorCodes.UNKNOWN, "Unable to find an appropriate routing profile.");

        return rp.computeMatrix(req);

    public ExportResult computeExport(ExportRequest req) throws Exception {
        RoutingProfile rp = routingProfiles.getRouteProfile((req.getProfileType()));

        if (rp == null)
            throw new InternalServerException(ExportErrorCodes.UNKNOWN, "Unable to find an appropriate routing profile.");
        return rp.computeExport(req);
