/* This file is part of Openrouteservice.
* Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
* if not, see <>.
package org.heigit.ors.routing;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.HeavyVehicleAttributes;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.parameters.ProfileParameters;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.parameters.VehicleParameters;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.pathprocessors.BordersExtractor;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Polygon;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
* This class is used to store the search/calculation Parameters to calculate the desired Route/Isochrones etc…
* It can be called from any class and the values be set according to the needs of the route calculation.
public class RouteSearchParameters {
public static final int DEFAULT_HGV_VEHICLE_TYPE = HeavyVehicleAttributes.HGV;
private int profileType;
private int weightingMethod = WeightingMethod.RECOMMENDED;
private Boolean considerTurnRestrictions = false;
private Polygon[] avoidAreas;
private int avoidFeaturesTypes;
private int vehicleType = HeavyVehicleAttributes.UNKNOWN;
private ProfileParameters profileParams;
private WayPointBearing[] bearings = null;
private boolean continueStraight = false;
private double[] maxRadiuses;
private boolean flexibleMode = false;
private boolean optimized = true;
private int extraInfo;
private boolean suppressWarnings = false;
private int[] avoidCountries = null;
private BordersExtractor.Avoid avoidBorders = BordersExtractor.Avoid.NONE;
private int alternativeRoutesCount = -1;
private double alternativeRoutesWeightFactor = 1.4;
private double alternativeRoutesShareFactor = 0.6;
private float roundTripLength = -1;
private int roundTripPoints = 2;
private long roundTripSeed = -1;
private double maximumSpeed;
private boolean hasMaximumSpeed = false;
private LocalDateTime departure;
private LocalDateTime arrival;
private int scheduleRows;
private Duration scheduleDuaration;
private boolean ignoreTransfers = false;
private Duration walkingTime;
private boolean schedule;
private boolean hasScheduleRows = false;
private boolean hasWalkingTime = false;
private boolean hasScheduleDuration = false;
public int getProfileType() {
return profileType;
public void setProfileType(int profileType) throws Exception {
if (profileType == RoutingProfileType.UNKNOWN)
throw new Exception("Routing profile is unknown.");
this.profileType = profileType;
if (RoutingProfileType.isHeavyVehicle(profileType))
public int getWeightingMethod() {
return weightingMethod;
public void setWeightingMethod(int weightingMethod) {
this.weightingMethod = weightingMethod;
public Polygon[] getAvoidAreas() {
return avoidAreas;
public void setAvoidAreas(Polygon[] avoidAreas) {
this.avoidAreas = avoidAreas;
public boolean hasAvoidAreas() {
return avoidAreas != null && avoidAreas.length > 0;
public int getAvoidFeatureTypes() {
return avoidFeaturesTypes;
public void setAvoidFeatureTypes(int avoidFeatures) {
avoidFeaturesTypes = avoidFeatures;
public boolean hasAvoidFeatures() {
return avoidFeaturesTypes > 0;
public int[] getAvoidCountries() {
return avoidCountries;
public void setAvoidCountries(int[] avoidCountries) {
this.avoidCountries = avoidCountries;
public boolean hasAvoidCountries() {
return avoidCountries != null && avoidCountries.length > 0;
public boolean hasAvoidBorders() {
return avoidBorders != BordersExtractor.Avoid.NONE;
public void setAvoidBorders(BordersExtractor.Avoid avoidBorders) {
this.avoidBorders = avoidBorders;
public BordersExtractor.Avoid getAvoidBorders() {
return avoidBorders;
public Boolean getConsiderTurnRestrictions() {
return considerTurnRestrictions;
public void setConsiderTurnRestrictions(Boolean considerTurnRestrictions) {
this.considerTurnRestrictions = considerTurnRestrictions;
public int getVehicleType() {
return vehicleType;
public void setVehicleType(int vehicleType) {
this.vehicleType = vehicleType;
public int getAlternativeRoutesCount() {
return alternativeRoutesCount;
public void setAlternativeRoutesCount(int alternativeRoutesCount) {
this.alternativeRoutesCount = alternativeRoutesCount;
public double getAlternativeRoutesWeightFactor() {
return alternativeRoutesWeightFactor;
public void setAlternativeRoutesWeightFactor(double alternativeRoutesWeightFactor) {
this.alternativeRoutesWeightFactor = alternativeRoutesWeightFactor;
public double getAlternativeRoutesShareFactor() {
return alternativeRoutesShareFactor;
public void setAlternativeRoutesShareFactor(double alternativeRoutesShareFactor) {
this.alternativeRoutesShareFactor = alternativeRoutesShareFactor;
public int getExtraInfo() {
return extraInfo;
public void setExtraInfo(int extraInfo) {
this.extraInfo = extraInfo;
public boolean getSuppressWarnings() {
return suppressWarnings;
public void setSuppressWarnings(boolean suppressWarnings) {
this.suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings;
public boolean hasParameters(Class<?> value) {
if (profileParams == null)
return false;
return profileParams.getClass() == value;
public ProfileParameters getProfileParameters() {
return profileParams;
public void setProfileParams(ProfileParameters profileParams) {
this.profileParams = profileParams;
public boolean hasFlexibleMode() {
return flexibleMode;
public void setFlexibleMode(boolean flexibleMode) {
this.flexibleMode = flexibleMode;
public boolean getOptimized() {
return optimized;
public void setOptimized(boolean optimized) {
this.optimized = optimized;
public double[] getMaximumRadiuses() {
return maxRadiuses;
public void setMaximumRadiuses(double[] maxRadiuses) {
this.maxRadiuses = maxRadiuses;
public WayPointBearing[] getBearings() {
return bearings;
public void setBearings(WayPointBearing[] bearings) {
this.bearings = bearings;
public boolean hasBearings() {
return bearings != null && bearings.length > 0;
public void setContinueStraight(boolean continueStraightAtWaypoints) {
continueStraight = continueStraightAtWaypoints;
public boolean hasContinueStraight() {
return continueStraight;
public void setRoundTripLength(float length) {
roundTripLength = length;
public float getRoundTripLength() {
return roundTripLength;
public void setRoundTripPoints(int points) {
roundTripPoints = points;
public int getRoundTripPoints() {
return roundTripPoints;
public void setRoundTripSeed(long seed) {
roundTripSeed = seed;
public long getRoundTripSeed() {
return roundTripSeed;
public double getMaximumSpeed() {
return maximumSpeed;
public void setMaximumSpeed(double maximumSpeed) {
this.maximumSpeed = maximumSpeed;
hasMaximumSpeed = true;
public boolean hasMaximumSpeed() {
return hasMaximumSpeed;
public boolean isProfileTypeDriving() {
return RoutingProfileType.isDriving(this.getProfileType());
public boolean isProfileTypeHeavyVehicle() {
return RoutingProfileType.isHeavyVehicle(this.getProfileType());
public boolean hasNonDefaultVehicleType() {
return isProfileTypeHeavyVehicle() && getVehicleType() != DEFAULT_HGV_VEHICLE_TYPE;
public boolean requiresDynamicPreprocessedWeights() {
return hasAvoidAreas()
|| hasAvoidFeatures()
|| hasAvoidBorders()
|| hasAvoidCountries()
|| getConsiderTurnRestrictions()
|| hasNonDefaultVehicleType()
|| isProfileTypeDriving() && hasParameters(VehicleParameters.class)
|| hasMaximumSpeed()
|| hasFlexibleMode();
* Check if the request is compatible with preprocessed graphs
public boolean requiresFullyDynamicWeights() {
return hasAvoidAreas()
|| hasBearings()
|| hasContinueStraight()
|| (getProfileParameters() != null && getProfileParameters().hasWeightings())
|| getAlternativeRoutesCount() > 0;
// time-dependent stuff
public LocalDateTime getDeparture() {
return departure;
public void setDeparture(LocalDateTime departure) {
this.departure = departure;
public boolean hasDeparture() {
return departure != null;
public LocalDateTime getArrival() {
return arrival;
public void setArrival(LocalDateTime arrival) {
this.arrival = arrival;
public boolean hasArrival() {
return arrival != null;
public boolean isTimeDependent() {
return (hasDeparture() || hasArrival());
public void setScheduleDuaration(Duration scheduleDuaration) {
this.scheduleDuaration = scheduleDuaration;
this.hasScheduleDuration = true;
public Duration getScheduleDuaration() {
return scheduleDuaration;
public void setIgnoreTransfers(boolean ignoreTransfers) {
this.ignoreTransfers = ignoreTransfers;
public boolean getIgnoreTransfers() {
return this.ignoreTransfers;
public boolean hasScheduleRows() {
return hasScheduleRows;
public void setScheduleRows(int scheduleRows) {
this.scheduleRows = scheduleRows;
this.hasScheduleRows = true;
public int getScheduleRows() {
return scheduleRows;
public void setWalkingTime(Duration walkingTime) {
this.walkingTime = walkingTime;
this.hasWalkingTime = true;
public Duration getWalkingTime() {
return walkingTime;
public boolean hasWalkingTime() {
return this.hasWalkingTime;
public void setSchedule(boolean schedule) {
this.schedule = schedule;
public boolean getSchedule() {
return this.schedule;
public boolean hasSchedule() {
return this.schedule;
public boolean hasScheduleDuration() {
return this.hasScheduleDuration;