
/*  This file is part of Openrouteservice.
 *  Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
 *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
 *  if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.storages.builders;

import com.graphhopper.GraphHopper;
import com.graphhopper.reader.ReaderWay;
import com.graphhopper.storage.GraphExtension;
import com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIteratorState;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.WheelchairAttributes;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.WheelchairTypesEncoder;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.storages.WheelchairAttributesGraphStorage;
import org.heigit.ors.util.UnitsConverter;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;

import java.util.*;

public class WheelchairGraphStorageBuilder extends AbstractGraphStorageBuilder {
    public static final String KEY_SLOPED_CURB = "sloped_curb";
    public static final String KEY_SLOPED_KERB = "sloped_kerb";
    public static final String KEY_KERB_HEIGHT = "kerb:height";
    public static final String KEY_FOOTWAY = "footway";
    public static final String SW_VAL_RIGHT = "right";
    public static final String SW_VAL_LEFT = "left";
    public static final String KEY_BOTH = "both";
    public static final String KEY_SIDEWALK_BOTH = "sidewalk:both:";
    public static final String KEY_FOOTWAY_BOTH = "footway:both:";
    public static final String KEY_CURB_HEIGHT = "curb:height";

    public enum Side {

    private WheelchairAttributesGraphStorage storage;
    private final WheelchairAttributes wheelchairAttributes;
    private final WheelchairAttributes wheelchairAttributesLeftSide;
    private final WheelchairAttributes wheelchairAttributesRightSide;

    private Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> nodeTagsOnWay;
    private Map<String, Object> cleanedTags;

    private boolean hasLeftSidewalk = false;
    private boolean hasRightSidewalk = false;
    private boolean kerbHeightOnlyOnCrossing = false;

    public WheelchairGraphStorageBuilder() {
        wheelchairAttributes = new WheelchairAttributes();
        wheelchairAttributesLeftSide = new WheelchairAttributes();
        wheelchairAttributesRightSide = new WheelchairAttributes();
        nodeTagsOnWay = new HashMap<>();
        cleanedTags = new HashMap<>();

     * Constructor - Used for testing
     * @param onlyAttachKerbsToCrossings Only attach kerb heights to crossings?
    public WheelchairGraphStorageBuilder(boolean onlyAttachKerbsToCrossings) {
        kerbHeightOnlyOnCrossing = onlyAttachKerbsToCrossings;

     * Initiate the wheelchair storage builder
     * @param graphhopper The graphhopper instance to run against
     * @throws Exception Thrown when the storage has already been initialized
     * @return The storage that is created from the builder
    public GraphExtension init(GraphHopper graphhopper) throws Exception {
        if (storage != null)
            throw new Exception("GraphStorageBuilder has been already initialized.");

        if (parameters.containsKey("KerbsOnCrossings")) {
            kerbHeightOnlyOnCrossing = Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.get("KerbsOnCrossings"));
        storage = new WheelchairAttributesGraphStorage();
        return storage;

     * Call the processWay method with empty coordinates and tags
     * @param way The way to process
    public void processWay(ReaderWay way) {
        this.processWay(way, new Coordinate[0], new HashMap<>());

     * Process the way
     * @param way      The way to be processed
     * @param coords   Coordinates of the way
     * @param nodeTags Tags that have been stored on nodes of the way that should be used during processing
    public void processWay(ReaderWay way, Coordinate[] coords, Map<Integer, Map<String, String>> nodeTags) {
        // Start by resetting storage variables after the previous way
        hasRightSidewalk = false;
        hasLeftSidewalk = false;

        this.nodeTagsOnWay = nodeTags;

        // Annoyingly, it seems often to be the case that rather than using ":" to seperate tag parts, "." is used, so
        // we need to take this into account
        cleanedTags = cleanTags(way.getTags());

        // Now we need to process the way specific to whether it is a separate feature (i.e. footway) or is attached
        // to a road feature (i.e. with the tag sidewalk=left)

        // We still need to always process the way itself even if it separate so that we can get sidewalk info (a
        // separate footway can still have sidewalk tags...)

        // the way has known suitability if it can be classified as seperate footway
        wheelchairAttributes.setSuitable(isSeparateFootway(way) || way.hasTag("wheelchair_accessible", true));

        // the sidewalks always imply known suitability

        // Process the kerb tags.

     * Return the attributes for the sidewalk on the specified side of the road, or the general attributes when NONE is provided
     * @param side The side of the road you want the data for
     * @return The WheelchairAttributes object containing the inofrmation for the specified side
    public WheelchairAttributes getStoredAttributes(Side side) {
        return switch (side) {
            case LEFT -> wheelchairAttributesLeftSide;
            case RIGHT -> wheelchairAttributesRightSide;
            case NONE -> wheelchairAttributes;
            default -> null;

     * Go through tags and attempt to remove any invalid keys (i.e. when compound keys have been entered using a '.' rather than ':'
     * @param dirtyTags The OSM tag collection that needs to be cleaned
     * @return A cleaned version of the tags on the way (. replaced with : in tag names)
    private HashMap<String, Object> cleanTags(Map<String, Object> dirtyTags) {
        HashMap<String, Object> cleanedTagsMap = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : dirtyTags.entrySet()) {
            String cleanKey = entry.getKey().replace(".", ":");
            cleanedTagsMap.put(cleanKey, entry.getValue());
        return cleanedTagsMap;

     * Process footways that are attached to an OSM way via the sidewalk tags. It looks for parameters important for
     * wheelchair routing such as width, smoothness and kerb height and then stores these in the attributes object
     * ready for use when the edge(s) are processed. It also detects which side of the base way that the sidewalks
     * have been created for and stores the information appropriately.
     * @param way The way to be processed
    private void processSidewalksAttachedToWay(ReaderWay way) {


        // get surface type (asphalt, sand etc.)

        // get smoothness value (good, terrible etc.)

        // Get the track type (grade1, grade4 etc.)

        // Get the width of the way (2, 0.1 etc.)

        // Get the incline of the way (10%, 6% etc.)


     * Process a footway that has been stored in OSM as a separate feature, such as a crossing, footpath or pedestrian
     * way. The same as the attached processing, it looks for the different attributes as tags that are important for
     * wheelchair routing and stores them against the generic wheelchair storage object
    private void processWayCheckForSeparateFeature(ReaderWay way) {
        boolean markSurfaceQualityKnown = isSeparateFootway(way);
        setWayAttribute(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.SURFACE, markSurfaceQualityKnown);
        setWayAttribute(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.SMOOTHNESS, markSurfaceQualityKnown);
        setWayAttribute(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.TRACK, markSurfaceQualityKnown);
        setWayAttribute(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.WIDTH, markSurfaceQualityKnown);
        setWayAttribute(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.INCLINE, markSurfaceQualityKnown);

     * Set the specified attribute in the attribute storage object based on the information gathered from the way. This
     * method ony sets the attribute in the attribute storage object for the standalone way and not sidewalks.
     * @param attribute               The attribute to process
     * @param markSurfaceQualityKnown Whether or not to also set the surfaceQualityKnown flag in the WheelchairAttributes object
    private void setWayAttribute(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute attribute, boolean markSurfaceQualityKnown) {
        if (cleanedTags.containsKey(attributeToTagName(attribute))) {
            setWheelchairAttribute((String) cleanedTags.get(attributeToTagName(attribute)), attribute, markSurfaceQualityKnown);

     * Set teh specified attribute in the attribute storage objects for the left and right sidewalks,
     * @param attribute The attribute to process
    private void setSidewalkAttribute(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute attribute) {
        String[] tagValues;

        tagValues = getSidedTagValue(attributeToTagName(attribute));

        if (tagValues[0] != null && !tagValues[0].isEmpty()) {
            setSidewalkAttributeForSide(tagValues[0], attribute, Side.LEFT);
        if (tagValues[1] != null && !tagValues[1].isEmpty()) {
            setSidewalkAttributeForSide(tagValues[1], attribute, Side.RIGHT);

     * Detect if there are sidewalks stored on the way and if so, mark that these are present
     * @param way The way to look for sidewalks on
    private void detectAndRecordSidewalkSide(ReaderWay way) {
        if (way.hasTag("sidewalk")) {
            String sw = way.getTag("sidewalk");
            switch (sw) {
                case SW_VAL_LEFT -> hasLeftSidewalk = true;
                case SW_VAL_RIGHT -> hasRightSidewalk = true;
                case KEY_BOTH -> {
                    hasLeftSidewalk = true;
                    hasRightSidewalk = true;
                default -> {

     * Convert an attribute from the wheelchair attribute storage to a corresponding osm tag key
     * @param attribute The attribute that the tag key is required for
     * @return The OSM tag key that corresponds to the attribute
    private String attributeToTagName(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute attribute) {
        return switch (attribute) {
            case SURFACE -> "surface";
            case SMOOTHNESS -> "smoothness";
            case TRACK -> "tracktype";
            case WIDTH -> "width";
            case INCLINE -> "incline";
            case KERB -> "kerb";
            default -> "";

     * Set the specified attribute of the specified sidewalk to be the value passed
     * @param value     The value to store
     * @param attribute The attribute to store the value against
     * @param side      The sidewalk the attribute is for
    private void setSidewalkAttributeForSide(String value, WheelchairAttributes.Attribute attribute, Side side) {
        switch (side) {
            case LEFT -> {
                hasLeftSidewalk = true;
                wheelchairAttributesLeftSide.setAttribute(attribute, convertTagValueToEncodedValue(attribute, value), true);
            case RIGHT -> {
                hasRightSidewalk = true;
                wheelchairAttributesRightSide.setAttribute(attribute, convertTagValueToEncodedValue(attribute, value), true);
            default -> {

     * Set the specified attribute on the standalone way to be the value passed
     * @param value                   The value to store
     * @param attribute               The attribute to store the value against
     * @param markSurfaceQualityKnown Whether or not to also set the surfaceQualityKnown flag in the WheelchairAttributes object
    private void setWheelchairAttribute(String value, WheelchairAttributes.Attribute attribute, boolean markSurfaceQualityKnown) {
        wheelchairAttributes.setAttribute(attribute, convertTagValueToEncodedValue(attribute, value), markSurfaceQualityKnown);

     * Transform (if needed) a value into an encoded value using the correct encoder.
     * @param attribute The attribute the value is for
     * @param tagValue  The string value stored in the tag
     * @return The correctly encoded value
    private int convertTagValueToEncodedValue(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute attribute, String tagValue) {
        switch (attribute) {
            case SMOOTHNESS:
            case TRACK:
            case SURFACE:
                try {
                    return WheelchairTypesEncoder.getEncodedType(attribute, tagValue.toLowerCase());
                } catch (Exception notRecognisedEncodedTypeError) {
                    return -1;
            case WIDTH:
                return (int) (UnitsConverter.convertOSMDistanceTagToMeters(tagValue.toLowerCase()) * 100);
            case INCLINE:
                return getInclineFromTagValue(tagValue.toLowerCase());
            case KERB:
                return convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(tagValue.toLowerCase());
                return -1;

     * Get the kerb height value from a set of tags. The method takes into account different ways of spelling and representing the kerb height and then adds the kerb information
     * to the wheelchair attribute objects
    private void processKerbTags() {
        String[] assumedKerbTags = new String[]{
        String[] explicitKerbTags = new String[]{

        int height = calcSingleKerbHeightFromTagList(assumedKerbTags, -1);
        // Explicit heights overwrite assumed
        height = calcSingleKerbHeightFromTagList(explicitKerbTags, height);

        if (height > -1) {

        // Now for if the values are attached to sides of the way
        int[] heights = calcSingleKerbHeightFromSidedTagList(assumedKerbTags, new int[]{-1, -1});
        heights = calcSingleKerbHeightFromSidedTagList(explicitKerbTags, heights);

        if (heights[0] > -1) {
            hasLeftSidewalk = true;

        if (heights[1] > -1) {
            hasLeftSidewalk = true;

     * Calculate the kerb height from the way that should be stored on the graph bsaed on the tag keys specified
     * @param kerbTags     The tag keys that should be evaluated
     * @param initialValue The initial value for the return. If no kerb height info is found, this value is returned
     * @return The value to use as the kerb height derived from the specified tag keys.
    private int calcSingleKerbHeightFromTagList(String[] kerbTags, int initialValue) {
        int height = initialValue;
        for (String kerbTag : kerbTags) {
            int kerbHeightValue = convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres((String) cleanedTags.get(kerbTag));
            if (kerbHeightValue != -1) {
                height = kerbHeightValue;
        return height;

     * Calculate the kerb heights from the way that should be stored on the graph bsaed on the tag keys specified.
     * This method looks at the tags which specify a side to the road)
     * @param kerbTags      The tag keys that should be evaluated
     * @param initialValues The initial value for the return. If no kerb height info is found, this value is returned
     * @return The values to use as the kerb height derived from the specified tag keys. The first item
     * in the array is for the left side, and the second is the right side.
    private int[] calcSingleKerbHeightFromSidedTagList(String[] kerbTags, int[] initialValues) {
        int[] heights = initialValues;
        int height = -1;
        for (String kerbTag : kerbTags) {
            String[] tagValues = getSidedKerbTagValuesToApply(kerbTag);
            if (tagValues[0] != null && !tagValues[0].isEmpty()) {
                height = convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(tagValues[0].toLowerCase());
                if (height > -1) {
                    heights[0] = height;
            if (tagValues[1] != null && !tagValues[1].isEmpty()) {
                height = convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(tagValues[1].toLowerCase());
                if (height > -1) {
                    heights[1] = height;

        return heights;

     * Look at way and try to find the correct kerb heights for it. In some cases when the kerbs are attached directly to a way they are
     * marked as start and end and so we need to look through the various tags to try and find these.
     * @param key The base key that we are investigating (e.g. "kerb", "sloped_kerb" etc.)
     * @return The textual tag that should be used as the kerb height
    private String[] getSidedKerbTagValuesToApply(String key) {
        // If we are looking at the kerbs, sometimes the start and end of a way is marked as having different kerb
        // heights using the ...:start and ...:end tags. For now, we just want to get the worse of these values (the
        // highest)
        double leftStart = -1;
        double leftEnd = -1;
        double rightStart = -1;
        double rightEnd = -1;

        String[] endValues = getSidedTagValue(key + ":end");
        // Convert
        if (endValues[0] != null && !endValues[0].isEmpty()) {
            leftEnd = convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(endValues[0]);
        if (endValues[1] != null && !endValues[1].isEmpty()) {
            rightEnd = convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(endValues[1]);
        String[] startValues = getSidedTagValue(key + ":start");
        // Convert
        if (startValues[0] != null && !startValues[0].isEmpty()) {
            leftStart = convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(startValues[0]);
        if (startValues[1] != null && !startValues[1].isEmpty()) {
            rightStart = convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(startValues[1]);

        // Now compare to find the worst
        String[] values = new String[2];
        if (leftEnd > leftStart)
            values[0] = endValues[0];
        else if (leftStart > leftEnd)
            values[0] = startValues[0];

        if (rightEnd > rightStart)
            values[1] = endValues[1];
        else if (rightStart > rightEnd)
            values[1] = startValues[1];

        return values;

     * Compare the attributes gained for the given property between the sidewalks on the left and the right hand side
     * of the feature and identify which is worse. This is useful if for some reason the sidewalks can not be created
     * as separate edges from the feature, in which case you would avoid the whole way if an attribute was seen as
     * impassible.
     * @param attr The attribute to be assessed (surface, smoothness etc.)
     * @return The value that is seen as being the worst
    private int getWorseAttributeValueFromSeparateItems(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute attr) {
        switch (attr) {
            case SURFACE:
                return Math.max(Math.max(wheelchairAttributesLeftSide.getSurfaceType(), wheelchairAttributesRightSide.getSurfaceType()),
            case SMOOTHNESS:
                return Math.max(Math.max(wheelchairAttributesLeftSide.getSmoothnessType(), wheelchairAttributesRightSide.getSmoothnessType()),
            case KERB:
                return Math.max(Math.max(wheelchairAttributesLeftSide.getSlopedKerbHeight(), wheelchairAttributesRightSide.getSlopedKerbHeight()),
            case WIDTH:
                // default value is 0, but this will always be returned so we need to do a check
                int l = wheelchairAttributesLeftSide.getWidth();
                int r = wheelchairAttributesRightSide.getWidth();
                int w = wheelchairAttributes.getWidth();
                if (l <= 0) l = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                if (r <= 0) r = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                if (w <= 0) w = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

                int ret = Math.min(Math.min(l, r), w);
                if (ret == Integer.MAX_VALUE) ret = 0;

                return ret;
            case TRACK:
                return Math.max(Math.max(wheelchairAttributesLeftSide.getTrackType(), wheelchairAttributesRightSide.getTrackType()),
            case INCLINE:
                return Math.max(Math.max(wheelchairAttributesLeftSide.getIncline(), wheelchairAttributesRightSide.getIncline()),

                return 0;

     * Process an individual edge which has been derived from the way and then store it in the storage.
     * @param way  The parent way feature
     * @param edge The specific edge to be processed
    public void processEdge(ReaderWay way, EdgeIteratorState edge) {
        // We want to copy so that we don't overwrite original values as this edge is only part of the way
        WheelchairAttributes at = wheelchairAttributes.copy();

        // Get the kerb heights for the individual edge as this may overwrite the original
        int kerbHeight = getKerbHeightForEdge(way);
        if (kerbHeight > -1) {

        // Check for if we have specified which side the processing is for
        if (way.hasTag("ors-sidewalk-side")) {
            String side = way.getTag("ors-sidewalk-side");
            if (side.equals(SW_VAL_LEFT)) {
                // Only get the attributes for the left side
                at = getAttributes(SW_VAL_LEFT);
            if (side.equals(SW_VAL_RIGHT)) {
                at = getAttributes(SW_VAL_RIGHT);
        } else {
            // if we have sidewalks attached, then we should also look at those. We should only hit this point if
            // the preprocessing hasn't detected that there are sidewalks even though there are...
            if (hasRightSidewalk || hasLeftSidewalk) {
                at = combineAttributesOfWayWhenBothSidesPresent(at);

        storage.setEdgeValues(edge.getEdge(), at);


     * Get an overriding kerb height if needed from the nodes that are on the way rather than the data stored on the way itself.
     * This should be the case if we are specifying to only store kerb heights on crossings as these features do not normally
     * have kerb heights attached to them
     * @param way The way that is being investigated
     * @return A kerb height from the tags of the nodes on the way, or -1 if no kerb heights are found/required
    int getKerbHeightForEdge(ReaderWay way) {
        int kerbHeight = -1;

        if (!kerbHeightOnlyOnCrossing || (way.hasTag(KEY_FOOTWAY) && way.getTag(KEY_FOOTWAY).equals("crossing"))) {
            // Look for kerb information
            kerbHeight = getKerbHeightFromNodeTags();

        return kerbHeight;

     * Look at the information stored against the nodes of the way and extract the kerb height to use for the whole way
     * from those data.
     * @return The derived kerb height in centimetres from teh nodes that are on the way
    int getKerbHeightFromNodeTags() {
        // Assumed kerb heights are those obtained from a tag without the explicit :height attribute
        List<Integer> assumedKerbHeights = new ArrayList<>();
        // Explicit heights are those provided by the :height tag - these should take precidence
        List<Integer> explicitKerbHeights = new ArrayList<>();

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, String>> entry : nodeTagsOnWay.entrySet()) {
            Map<String, String> tags = entry.getValue();
            for (Map.Entry<String, String> tag : tags.entrySet()) {
                switch (tag.getKey()) {
                    case KEY_SLOPED_CURB, "curb", "kerb", KEY_SLOPED_KERB ->
                    case KEY_KERB_HEIGHT -> explicitKerbHeights.add(convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(tag.getValue()));
                    default -> {
        if (!explicitKerbHeights.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.max(explicitKerbHeights);
        } else if (!assumedKerbHeights.isEmpty()) {
            // If we have multiple kerb heights, we need to apply the largest to the edge as this is the worst
            return Collections.max(assumedKerbHeights);
        } else {
            return -1;

     * When sidewalks are tagged on both sides for a way and we do not want to process them as separate items then we need
     * to get the "worst" for each attribute and use that.
     * @param attributes The attributes storage object that needs to be merged
     * @return A resultant combined object
    public WheelchairAttributes combineAttributesOfWayWhenBothSidesPresent(WheelchairAttributes attributes) {
        WheelchairAttributes at = attributes;

        int tr = getWorseAttributeValueFromSeparateItems(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.TRACK);
        if (tr > 0) at.setTrackType(tr);

        int su = getWorseAttributeValueFromSeparateItems(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.SURFACE);
        if (su > 0) at.setSurfaceType(su);

        int sm = getWorseAttributeValueFromSeparateItems(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.SMOOTHNESS);
        if (sm > 0) at.setSmoothnessType(sm);

        int sl = getWorseAttributeValueFromSeparateItems(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.KERB);
        if (sl > 0) at.setSlopedKerbHeight(sl);

        int wi = getWorseAttributeValueFromSeparateItems(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.WIDTH);
        if (wi > 0) at.setWidth(wi);

        int in = getWorseAttributeValueFromSeparateItems(WheelchairAttributes.Attribute.INCLINE);
        if (in > 0) at.setIncline(in);

                        && wheelchairAttributesRightSide.isSurfaceQualityKnown()
                        && attributes.isSurfaceQualityKnown()

                        && wheelchairAttributesRightSide.isSuitable()
                        && attributes.isSuitable()

        return at;

     * Get the attributes of a sidewalk on the specified side of the road
     * @param side The side you want the attributes for
     * @return A WheelchairAttributes object for the side requested. If there are no attributes for the specified
     * side, then the overall attributes for the way are returned
    private WheelchairAttributes getAttributes(String side) {
        WheelchairAttributes at = wheelchairAttributes.copy();

        // Now get the specific items
        switch (side) {
            case SW_VAL_LEFT -> at = at.merge(wheelchairAttributesLeftSide);
            case SW_VAL_RIGHT -> at = at.merge(wheelchairAttributesRightSide);
            default -> {
        return at;

     * Converts a kerb height value to a numerical height (in centimetres). A kerb could be stored as an explicit height or
     * as an indicator as to whether the kerb is lowered or not.
     * @param value The value of the tag
     * @return The presumed height of the kerb in metres
    private int convertKerbTagValueToCentimetres(String value) {
        int centimetreHeight = -1;

        if (value == null) {
            return -1;
        switch (value) {
            case "yes", KEY_BOTH, "low", "lowered", "dropped", "sloped" -> centimetreHeight = 3;
            case "no", "none", "one", "rolled", "regular" -> centimetreHeight = 15;
            case "at_grade", "flush" -> centimetreHeight = 0;
            default -> {
                double metresHeight = UnitsConverter.convertOSMDistanceTagToMeters(value);
                // If no unit was given in the tag, the value might be in meters or centimeters; we can only guess
                // depending on the value
                if (metresHeight < 0.15) {
                    centimetreHeight = (int) (metresHeight * 100);
                } else {
                    centimetreHeight = (int) metresHeight;

        return centimetreHeight;

     * Get the values obtained from a way for a specific sidewalk property. For example, providing the property
     * "surface" would check the way for the surface tag stored against attached sidewalks using the keys
     * sidewalk:left:surface, sidewalk:right:surface, and sidewalk:both:surface. The obtained values are then returned
     * in an array.
     * @param property The property to be extracted
     * @return A String array containing two values - the first is the property for the left sidewalk and
     * the second is the property value for the right sidewalk.
    private String[] getSidedTagValue(String property) {
        String[] values = new String[2];
        // Left side
        if (cleanedTags.containsKey("sidewalk:left:" + property))
            values[0] = (String) cleanedTags.get("sidewalk:left:" + property);
        else if (cleanedTags.containsKey("footway:left:" + property))
            values[0] = (String) cleanedTags.get("footway:left:" + property);
        // Right side
        if (cleanedTags.containsKey("sidewalk:right:" + property))
            values[1] = (String) cleanedTags.get("sidewalk:right:" + property);
        else if (cleanedTags.containsKey("footway:right:" + property))
            values[1] = (String) cleanedTags.get("footway:right:" + property);

        // Both
        if (cleanedTags.containsKey(KEY_SIDEWALK_BOTH + property)) {
            values[0] = (String) cleanedTags.get(KEY_SIDEWALK_BOTH + property);
            values[1] = (String) cleanedTags.get(KEY_SIDEWALK_BOTH + property);
        } else if (cleanedTags.containsKey(KEY_FOOTWAY_BOTH + property)) {
            values[0] = (String) cleanedTags.get(KEY_FOOTWAY_BOTH + property);
            values[1] = (String) cleanedTags.get(KEY_FOOTWAY_BOTH + property);
        return values;

    private int getInclineFromTagValue(String inclineValue) {
        double decimalIncline = UnitsConverter.convertOSMInclineValueToPercentage(inclineValue, true);
        decimalIncline = Math.min(decimalIncline, 15.0);
        return (int) Math.round(decimalIncline);

     * Determine if the way is a separate footway object or a road feature.
     * @param way The OSM way object to be assessed
     * @return Whether the way is seen as a separately drawn footway (true) or a road (false)
    private boolean isSeparateFootway(ReaderWay way) {
        String type = way.getTag("highway", "");

        String[] pedestrianWayTypes = {

        // Check if it is a footpath or pedestrian
        if (!type.isEmpty()) {
            // We are looking at a separate footpath
            // we are looking at a road feature so any footway would be attached to it as a tag
            return Arrays.asList(pedestrianWayTypes).contains(type);

        return true;

    public String getName() {
        return "Wheelchair";
