/*  This file is part of Openrouteservice.
 *  Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
 *  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 *  without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 *  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
 *  if not, see <>.
package org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.graphbuilders;

import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntIndexedContainer;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList;
import com.graphhopper.GraphHopper;
import com.graphhopper.coll.LongIntMap;
import com.graphhopper.reader.ReaderWay;
import com.graphhopper.routing.Dijkstra;
import com.graphhopper.routing.Path;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.EncodingManager;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.FootFlagEncoder;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.TraversalMode;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.FastestWeighting;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting;
import com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalc;
import com.graphhopper.util.DistanceCalcEarth;
import com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIteratorState;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.DataReaderContext;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.*;

import java.util.*;

public class InFieldGraphBuilder extends AbstractGraphBuilder {

    private final GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory();
    private final Map<Integer, Integer> intId2idx = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Integer, Integer> idx2intId = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Integer, Long> intId2osmId = new HashMap<>();
    private final ArrayList<Integer> internalTowerNodeIds = new ArrayList<>();
    private Coordinate[] coordinates;
    private final Set<ArrayList<Integer>> edges = new HashSet<>();
    private final ArrayList<Integer> tmpEdge = new ArrayList<>();
    private List<Weighting> weightings;
    private EncodingManager encodingManager;

    public void init(GraphHopper graphhopper) throws Exception {
        // create local network taken from
        FootFlagEncoder footEncoder = new FootFlagEncoder();
        encodingManager = EncodingManager.create(footEncoder);
        weightings = new ArrayList<>(1);
        weightings.add(new FastestWeighting(footEncoder));

    public boolean createEdges(DataReaderContext readerCntx, ReaderWay way, LongArrayList osmNodeIds, IntsRef wayFlags, List<EdgeIteratorState> createdEdges) {
        if (!hasOpenSpace(way, osmNodeIds))
            return false;

        LongIntMap nodeMap = readerCntx.getNodeMap();
        Polygon openSpace = osmPolygon2JTS(readerCntx, osmNodeIds);


        // fill list with tower nodes
        // fill map "internal ID 2 OSM ID"
        for (int j = 0; j < osmNodeIds.size() - 1; j++) {
            long osmNodeId = osmNodeIds.get(j);
            int internalOSMId = nodeMap.get(osmNodeId);
            intId2osmId.put(internalOSMId, osmNodeId);
            if (internalOSMId < -2) //towernode

        DistanceCalc distCalc = DistanceCalcEarth.DIST_EARTH;
        try (GraphHopperStorage graphStorage = new GraphHopperStorage(new RAMDirectory(), encodingManager, false).create(20)) {
            for (int idxMain = 0; idxMain < osmNodeIds.size() - 1; idxMain++) {
                long mainOsmId = osmNodeIds.get(idxMain);
                int internalMainId = nodeMap.get(mainOsmId);
                // coordinates of the first nodes
                double latMain = readerCntx.getNodeLatitude(internalMainId);
                double lonMain = readerCntx.getNodeLongitude(internalMainId);
                // connect the boundary of the open space
                int idxNeighbor = idxMain + 1;
                long neighborOsmId = osmNodeIds.get(idxNeighbor);
                int internalNeighborId = nodeMap.get(neighborOsmId);
                double latNeighbor = readerCntx.getNodeLatitude(internalNeighborId);
                double lonNeighbor = readerCntx.getNodeLongitude(internalNeighborId);
                double distance = distCalc.calcDist(latMain, lonMain, latNeighbor, lonNeighbor);
                graphStorage.edge(idxMain, idxNeighbor).setDistance(distance);
                // iterate through remaining nodes,
                // but not through the direct neighbors
                for (int idxPartner = idxMain + 2; idxPartner < osmNodeIds.size() - 1; idxPartner++) {
                    long partnerOsmId = osmNodeIds.get(idxPartner);
                    int internalPartnerId = nodeMap.get(partnerOsmId);
                    // coordinates of second nodes
                    double latPartner = readerCntx.getNodeLatitude(internalPartnerId);
                    double lonPartner = readerCntx.getNodeLongitude(internalPartnerId);
                    // connect nodes
                    LineString ls = geometryFactory.createLineString(new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(lonMain, latMain), new Coordinate(lonPartner, latPartner)});
                    // check if new edge is within open space
                    if (ls.within(openSpace)) {
                        // compute distance between nodes
                        distance = distCalc.calcDist(latMain, lonMain, latPartner, lonPartner);
                        // the index number of the nodes in the local network
                        // necessary, because it does not accept big values
                        // fill
                        intId2idx.put(internalMainId, idxMain);
                        intId2idx.put(internalPartnerId, idxPartner);
                        // fill
                        idx2intId.put(idxMain, internalMainId);
                        idx2intId.put(idxPartner, internalPartnerId);
                        // add edge to local graph
                        graphStorage.edge(idxMain, idxPartner).setDistance(distance);

            // a set with all created edges.
            // the nodes which create the edge are stored in a ArrayList.
            // it is important that the first node is smaller than the second node.
            // TODO maybe a treeset would make the code more elegant

            // compute routes between all tower nodes using the local graph
            for (int i = 0; i < internalTowerNodeIds.size(); i++) {
                int internalIdTowerStart = internalTowerNodeIds.get(i);
                // check if tower node is in map
                // it can miss if no edge is starting from here
                if (!intId2idx.containsKey(internalIdTowerStart)) {
                int idxTowerStart = intId2idx.get(internalIdTowerStart);
                for (int j = i + 1; j < internalTowerNodeIds.size(); j++) {
                    int internalIdTowerDestination = internalTowerNodeIds.get(j);
                    // check if tower node is in map
                    // it can miss if no edge is starting from here
                    if (!intId2idx.containsKey(internalIdTowerDestination)) {
                    int idxTowerDest = intId2idx.get(internalIdTowerDestination);
                    // compute route between tower nodes
                    try {
                        Dijkstra dijkstra = new Dijkstra(graphStorage, weightings.get(0), TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED);
                        Path path = dijkstra.calcPath(idxTowerStart, idxTowerDest);
                        IntIndexedContainer pathNodes = path.calcNodes();
                        // iterate through nodes of routing result
                        for (int k = 0; k < pathNodes.size() - 1; k++) {
                            // local index
                            int idxNodeA = pathNodes.get(k);
                            int idxNodeB = pathNodes.get(k + 1);
                            // internal Node IDs
                            int nodeA = idx2intId.get(idxNodeA);
                            int nodeB = idx2intId.get(idxNodeB);
                            // add to nodes to array sorted
                            int minNode = Integer.min(nodeA, nodeB);
                            int maxNode = Integer.max(nodeA, nodeB);
                            boolean edgeIsNew = edges.add(tmpEdge);
                            if (edgeIsNew) {
                                // it is necessary to get the long node OSM IDs...
                                long osmNodeA = intId2osmId.get(minNode);
                                long osmNodeB = intId2osmId.get(maxNode);
                                addNodePairAsEdgeToGraph(readerCntx, way.getId(), wayFlags, createdEdges, osmNodeA, osmNodeB);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        // do nothing

            // TODO this loop can maybe be integrated at the part where the boundary edges are handled alread<
            // add boundary of open space
            for (int i = 0; i < osmNodeIds.size() - 1; i++) {
                long osmIdA = osmNodeIds.get(i);
                long osmIdB = osmNodeIds.get(i + 1);
                int internalIdA = nodeMap.get(osmIdA);
                int internalIdB = nodeMap.get(osmIdB);
                // add to nodes to array sorted
                int minIntId = Integer.min(internalIdA, internalIdB);
                int maxIndId = Integer.max(internalIdA, internalIdB);
                // create a boundary edge
                // test if already exists
                boolean edgeIsNew = edges.add(tmpEdge);
                if (edgeIsNew) {
                    // edge is added to global GraphHopper graph
                    addNodePairAsEdgeToGraph(readerCntx, way.getId(), wayFlags, createdEdges, osmIdA, osmIdB);
        return true;

    private void addNodePairAsEdgeToGraph(DataReaderContext readerCntx, long wayOsmId, IntsRef wayFlags, List<EdgeIteratorState> createdEdges, long node1, long node2) {
        // list which contains the Nodes of the new Edge
        LongArrayList subgraphNodes = new LongArrayList(5);
        createdEdges.addAll(readerCntx.addWay(subgraphNodes, wayFlags, wayOsmId));

    private Polygon osmPolygon2JTS(DataReaderContext readerCntx, LongArrayList osmNodeIds) {
        // collect all coordinates in ArrayList
        if (coordinates == null || coordinates.length < osmNodeIds.size())
            coordinates = new Coordinate[osmNodeIds.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < osmNodeIds.size(); i++) {
            long osmNodeId = osmNodeIds.get(i);
            int internalID = readerCntx.getNodeMap().get(osmNodeId);
            coordinates[i] = new Coordinate(readerCntx.getNodeLongitude(internalID), readerCntx.getNodeLatitude(internalID));

        Coordinate[] coords = Arrays.copyOf(coordinates, osmNodeIds.size());
        LinearRing ring = geometryFactory.createLinearRing(coords);
        // a JTS polygon consists of a ring and holes
        return geometryFactory.createPolygon(ring, null);

    public void finish() {
        // do nothing

    /* * checks if the OSM way is an open space      *
     * @param way
     * @param osmNodeIds
     * @return      */
    private boolean hasOpenSpace(ReaderWay way, LongArrayList osmNodeIds) {
        long firstNodeId = osmNodeIds.get(0);
        long lastNodeId = osmNodeIds.get(osmNodeIds.size() - 1);
        return (firstNodeId == lastNodeId) && way.hasTag("area", "yes");

    public String getName() {
        return "InField";