/* This file is part of Openrouteservice.
* Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
* if not, see <>.
package org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.core;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntHashSet;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntObjectMap;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.predicates.IntObjectPredicate;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.procedures.IntObjectProcedure;
import com.graphhopper.coll.MapEntry;
import com.graphhopper.routing.DijkstraBidirectionCHNoSOD;
import com.graphhopper.routing.SPTEntry;
import com.graphhopper.routing.ev.BooleanEncodedValue;
import com.graphhopper.routing.ev.Subnetwork;
import com.graphhopper.routing.lm.LandmarkStorage;
import com.graphhopper.routing.lm.SplitArea;
import com.graphhopper.routing.subnetwork.SubnetworkStorage;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.AreaIndex;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.EdgeFilter;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting;
import com.graphhopper.util.Helper;
import com.graphhopper.util.StopWatch;
import com.graphhopper.util.shapes.GHPoint;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.ORSGraphHopperStorage;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.edgefilters.core.LMEdgeFilterSequence;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.util.GraphUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* Store Landmark distances for core nodes
* <p>
* This code is based on that from GraphHopper GmbH.
* @author Peter Karich
* @author Hendrik Leuschner
* @author Andrzej Oles
public class CoreLandmarkStorage extends LandmarkStorage {
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CoreLandmarkStorage.class);
private final RoutingCHGraphImpl core;
private final LMEdgeFilterSequence landmarksFilter;
private Map<Integer, Integer> coreNodeIdMap;
private final ORSGraphHopperStorage graph;
private final CoreLMConfig lmConfig;
private IntHashSet subnetworkNodes;
public CoreLandmarkStorage(Directory dir, ORSGraphHopperStorage graph, final CoreLMConfig lmConfig, int landmarks) {
this(dir, graph, graph.getCoreGraph(lmConfig.getSuperName()), lmConfig, landmarks);
//needed primarily for unit tests
public CoreLandmarkStorage(Directory dir, ORSGraphHopperStorage graph, RoutingCHGraph core, final CoreLMConfig lmConfig, int landmarks) {
super(graph, dir, lmConfig, landmarks);
this.graph = graph;
this.lmConfig = lmConfig;
this.core = (RoutingCHGraphImpl) core;
this.landmarksFilter = lmConfig.getEdgeFilter();
setMinimumNodes(Math.min(getBaseNodes() / 2, 10000));
public void setCoreNodeIdMap(Map<Integer, Integer> coreNodeIdMap) {
this.coreNodeIdMap = coreNodeIdMap;
public String getLandmarksFileName() {
return "landmarks_core_";
* This method calculates the landmarks and initial weightings to & from them.
public void createLandmarks() {
if (isInitialized())
throw new IllegalStateException("Initialize the landmark storage only once!");
int minimumNodes = getMinimumNodes();
int landmarks = getLandmarkCount();
DataAccess landmarkWeightDA = getLandmarkWeightDA();
List<int[]> landmarkIDs = getLandmarkIDs();
AreaIndex<SplitArea> areaIndex = getAreaIndex();
boolean logDetails = LOGGER.isDebugEnabled();
SubnetworkStorage subnetworkStorage = getSubnetworkStorage();
int coreNodes = getBaseNodes();
// fill 'from' and 'to' weights with maximum value
long maxBytes = (long) coreNodes * LM_ROW_LENGTH;
for (long pointer = 0; pointer < maxBytes; pointer += 2) {
landmarkWeightDA.setShort(pointer, (short) SHORT_INFINITY);
int[] empty = new int[landmarks];
Arrays.fill(empty, UNSET_SUBNETWORK);
byte[] subnetworks = new byte[coreNodes];
Arrays.fill(subnetworks, (byte) UNSET_SUBNETWORK);
String snKey = Subnetwork.key(lmConfig.getSuperName());
// TODO We could use EdgeBasedTarjanSCC instead of node-based TarjanSCC here to get the small networks directly,
// instead of using the subnetworkEnc from PrepareRoutingSubnetworks.
if (!graph.getEncodingManager().hasEncodedValue(snKey))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("EncodedValue '" + snKey + "' does not exist. For Landmarks this is " +
"currently required (also used in PrepareRoutingSubnetworks). See #2256");
// Exclude edges that we previously marked in PrepareRoutingSubnetworks to avoid problems like "connection not found".
final BooleanEncodedValue edgeInSubnetworkEnc = graph.getEncodingManager().getBooleanEncodedValue(snKey);
final IntHashSet blockedEdges;
// We use the areaIndex to split certain areas from each other but do not permanently change the base graph
// so that other algorithms still can route through these regions. This is done to increase the density of
// landmarks for an area like Europe+Asia, which improves the query speed.
if (areaIndex != null) {
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
blockedEdges = findBorderEdgeIds(areaIndex);
if (logDetails)
logger.debug(configName() + "Made " + blockedEdges.size() + " edges inaccessible. Calculated country cut in " + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s, " + Helper.getMemInfo());
} else {
blockedEdges = new IntHashSet();
EdgeFilter blockedEdgesFilter = edge -> !edge.get(edgeInSubnetworkEnc) && !blockedEdges.contains(edge.getEdge());
EdgeFilter accessFilter = edge -> blockedEdgesFilter.accept(edge) && landmarksFilter.accept(edge);
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
TarjansCoreSCCAlgorithm tarjanAlgo = new TarjansCoreSCCAlgorithm(graph, core, accessFilter, false);
List<IntArrayList> graphComponents = tarjanAlgo.findComponents();
if (logDetails)
logger.debug(configName() + "Calculated " + graphComponents.size() + " subnetworks via tarjan in " + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s, " + Helper.getMemInfo());
String additionalInfo = "";
// guess the factor
if (getFactor() <= 0) {
// A 'factor' is necessary to store the weight in just a short value but without losing too much precision.
// This factor is rather delicate to pick, we estimate it from an exploration with some "test landmarks",
// see estimateMaxWeight. If we pick the distance too big for small areas this could lead to (slightly)
// suboptimal routes as there will be too big rounding errors. But picking it too small is bad for performance
// e.g. for Germany at least 1500km is very important otherwise speed is at least twice as slow e.g. for 1000km
double maxWeight = estimateMaxWeight(graphComponents, accessFilter);
additionalInfo = ", maxWeight:" + maxWeight + " from quick estimation";
double factor = getFactor();
if (logDetails)
logger.debug(configName() + "init landmarks for subnetworks with node count greater than " + minimumNodes + " with factor:" + factor + additionalInfo);
int nodes = 0;
for (IntArrayList subnetworkIds : graphComponents) {
nodes += subnetworkIds.size();
if (subnetworkIds.size() < minimumNodes)
if (factor <= 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("factor wasn't initialized " + factor + ", subnetworks:"
+ graphComponents.size() + ", minimumNodes:" + minimumNodes + ", current size:" + subnetworkIds.size());
subnetworkNodes = new IntHashSet(subnetworkIds);
int index = subnetworkIds.size() - 1;
for (; index >= 0; index--) {
int nextStartNode = subnetworkIds.get(index);
if (subnetworks[getIndex(nextStartNode)] == UNSET_SUBNETWORK) {
if (logDetails) {
GHPoint p = createPoint(graph, nextStartNode);
logger.debug(configName() + "start node: " + nextStartNode + " (" + p + ") subnetwork " + index + ", subnetwork size: " + subnetworkIds.size()
+ ", " + Helper.getMemInfo() + ((areaIndex == null) ? "" : " area:" + areaIndex.query(, p.lon)));
if (createLandmarksForSubnetwork(nextStartNode, subnetworks, accessFilter))
if (index < 0)
logger.warn("next start node not found in big enough network of size " + subnetworkIds.size() + ", first element is " + subnetworkIds.get(0) + ", " + createPoint(graph, subnetworkIds.get(0)));
int subnetworkCount = landmarkIDs.size();
// store all landmark node IDs and one int for the factor itself.
landmarkWeightDA.ensureCapacity(maxBytes /* landmark weights */ + (long) subnetworkCount * landmarks /* landmark mapping per subnetwork */);
// calculate offset to point into landmark mapping
long bytePos = maxBytes;
for (int[] lms : landmarkIDs) {
for (int lmNodeId : lms) {
landmarkWeightDA.setInt(bytePos, lmNodeId);
bytePos += 4L;
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(0, coreNodes);
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(4, landmarks);
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(2 * 4, subnetworkCount);
if (factor * DOUBLE_MLTPL > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("landmark weight factor cannot be bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE " + factor * DOUBLE_MLTPL);
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(3 * 4, (int) Math.round(factor * DOUBLE_MLTPL));
// serialize fast byte[] into DataAccess
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < subnetworks.length; nodeId++) {
subnetworkStorage.setSubnetwork(nodeId, subnetworks[nodeId]);
if (logDetails)
logger.debug(configName() + "Finished landmark creation. Subnetwork node count sum " + nodes + " vs. nodes " + coreNodes);
private String configName() {
return "[" + lmConfig.getName() + "] ";
public int getIndex(int node) {
return coreNodeIdMap.get(node);
protected int getBaseNodes() {
return core.getCoreNodes();
protected static class CoreEdgeFilter implements CHEdgeFilter {
private final RoutingCHGraph graph;
EdgeFilter edgeFilter;
private final int coreNodeLevel;
public CoreEdgeFilter(RoutingCHGraph graph, EdgeFilter edgeFilter) {
this.graph = graph;
this.edgeFilter = edgeFilter;
coreNodeLevel = GraphUtils.getBaseGraph(graph).getNodes();
public boolean accept(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState) {
if (isCoreEdge(edgeState))
return acceptEdge(edgeState);
return false;
private boolean isCoreEdge(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState) {
int base = edgeState.getBaseNode();
int adj = edgeState.getAdjNode();
return graph.getLevel(base) >= coreNodeLevel && graph.getLevel(adj) >= coreNodeLevel;
private boolean acceptEdge(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState) {
if (edgeFilter == null)
return true;
if (edgeState.isShortcut())
return true;
return edgeFilter.accept(((RoutingCHEdgeIteratorStateImpl) edgeState).getBaseGraphEdgeState());
public LandmarkExplorer getLandmarkExplorer(EdgeFilter accessFilter, Weighting weighting, boolean reverse) {
return new CoreLandmarkExplorer(core, accessFilter, reverse, this.subnetworkNodes);
public LandmarkExplorer getLandmarkSelector(EdgeFilter accessFilter) {
return new CoreLandmarkSelector(core, accessFilter, false, this.subnetworkNodes);
* This class is used to calculate landmark location (equally distributed).
* It derives from DijkstraBidirectionRef, but is only used as forward or backward search.
private class CoreLandmarkExplorer extends DijkstraBidirectionCHNoSOD implements LandmarkExplorer {
private final boolean reverse;
private SPTEntry lastEntry;
public CoreLandmarkExplorer(RoutingCHGraph g, EdgeFilter accessFilter, boolean reverse, IntHashSet subnetworkNodes) {
//TODO: implement a better solution to the issue of picking nodes from outside of the strongly connected
// component. Provided that the edge filters are set up properly and work as intended the additional check
// shouldn't be in principle neccessary.
CHEdgeFilter subnetworkFilter = edge -> subnetworkNodes == null || subnetworkNodes.contains(edge.getAdjNode());
CHEdgeFilter coreEdgeFilter = new CoreEdgeFilter(g, accessFilter);
this.levelEdgeFilter = edge -> subnetworkFilter.accept(edge) && coreEdgeFilter.accept(edge);
this.reverse = reverse;
// set one of the bi directions as already finished
if (reverse)
finishedFrom = true;
finishedTo = true;
// no path should be calculated
public void setStartNode(int startNode) {
if (reverse)
initTo(startNode, 0);
initFrom(startNode, 0);
public int getFromCount() {
return bestWeightMapFrom.size();
public void runAlgo() {
// Need to override the DijkstraBidirectionCHNoSOD method as it uses the graphs weighting instead of the CoreLandmarkStorage one.
// The graph uses a turn cost based weighting, though, which is not allowed for LM distance calculation.
protected double calcWeight(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState, boolean reverse, int prevOrNextEdgeId) {
return edgeState.getWeight(reverse);
public SPTEntry getLastEntry() {
if (!finished())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot get max weight if not yet finished");
return lastEntry;
public boolean finished() {
if (reverse) {
lastEntry = currTo;
return finishedTo;
} else {
lastEntry = currFrom;
return finishedFrom;
public boolean setSubnetworks(final byte[] subnetworks, final int subnetworkId) {
if (subnetworkId > 127)
throw new IllegalStateException("Too many subnetworks " + subnetworkId);
final AtomicBoolean failed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> map = reverse ? bestWeightMapTo : bestWeightMapFrom;
map.forEach((IntObjectPredicate<SPTEntry>) (nodeId, value) -> {
nodeId = getIndex(nodeId);
int sn = subnetworks[nodeId];
if (sn != subnetworkId) {
// this is ugly but can happen in real world, see testWithOnewaySubnetworks
logger.error("subnetworkId for node " + nodeId
+ " (" + createPoint(graph.getBaseGraph(), nodeId) + ") already set (" + sn + "). " + "Cannot change to " + subnetworkId);
return false;
subnetworks[nodeId] = (byte) subnetworkId;
return true;
return failed.get();
public void initLandmarkWeights(final int lmIdx, int lmNodeId, final long rowSize, final int offset) {
IntObjectMap<SPTEntry> map = reverse ? bestWeightMapTo : bestWeightMapFrom;
final AtomicInteger maxedout = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Map.Entry<Double, Double> finalMaxWeight = new MapEntry<>(0d, 0d);
map.forEach((IntObjectProcedure<SPTEntry>) (nodeId, b) -> {
nodeId = getIndex(nodeId);
if (!setWeight(nodeId * rowSize + lmIdx * 4L + offset, b.weight)) {
finalMaxWeight.setValue(Math.max(b.weight, finalMaxWeight.getValue()));
if ((double) maxedout.get() / map.size() > 0.1) {
logger.warn("landmark " + lmIdx + " (" + nodeAccess.getLat(lmNodeId) + "," + nodeAccess.getLon(lmNodeId) + "): " +
"too many weights were maxed out (" + maxedout.get() + "/" + map.size() + "). Use a bigger factor than " + getFactor()
+ ". For example use maximum_lm_weight: " + finalMaxWeight.getValue() * 1.2 + " in your LM profile definition");
private class CoreLandmarkSelector extends CoreLandmarkExplorer {
public CoreLandmarkSelector(RoutingCHGraph g, EdgeFilter accessFilter, boolean reverse, IntHashSet subnetworkNodes) {
super(g, accessFilter, reverse, subnetworkNodes);
protected double calcWeight(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState, boolean reverse, int prevOrNextEdgeId) {
if (edgeState.isShortcut())
return expandEdge(edgeState);
if (super.calcWeight(edgeState, reverse, prevOrNextEdgeId) >= Double.MAX_VALUE)
return 1;
private int expandEdge(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState mainEdgeState) {
if (!mainEdgeState.isShortcut())
return 1;
int skippedEdge1 = mainEdgeState.getSkippedEdge1();
int skippedEdge2 = mainEdgeState.getSkippedEdge2();
int from = mainEdgeState.getBaseNode();
int to = mainEdgeState.getAdjNode();
RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState iter1, iter2;
iter1 = core.getEdgeIteratorState(skippedEdge1, from);
if (iter1 == null) {
iter1 = core.getEdgeIteratorState(skippedEdge2, from);
iter2 = core.getEdgeIteratorState(skippedEdge1, to);
} else {
iter2 = core.getEdgeIteratorState(skippedEdge2, to);
return expandEdge(iter1) + expandEdge(iter2);