/* This file is part of Openrouteservice.
* Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
* if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.core;
import com.graphhopper.routing.AbstractRoutingAlgorithm;
import com.graphhopper.routing.Path;
import com.graphhopper.routing.RoutingAlgorithm;
import com.graphhopper.routing.SPTEntry;
import com.graphhopper.routing.ch.CHEntry;
import com.graphhopper.routing.util.TraversalMode;
import com.graphhopper.routing.weighting.Weighting;
import com.graphhopper.storage.RoutingCHEdgeExplorer;
import com.graphhopper.storage.RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState;
import com.graphhopper.storage.RoutingCHGraph;
import com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIterator;
import com.graphhopper.util.EdgeIteratorState;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.graphhopper.extensions.util.GraphUtils;
* Calculates best path using core routing algorithm.
* A core algorithm is separated into phase 1, which is run outside of the core
* and phase 2, which is run inside the core
* @author Andrzej Oles
public abstract class AbstractCoreRoutingAlgorithm extends AbstractRoutingAlgorithm {
protected boolean finishedFrom;
protected boolean finishedTo;
int visitedCountFrom1;
int visitedCountTo1;
int visitedCountFrom2;
int visitedCountTo2;
private CoreDijkstraFilter additionalCoreEdgeFilter;
protected RoutingCHEdgeExplorer inEdgeExplorer;
protected RoutingCHEdgeExplorer outEdgeExplorer;
boolean inCore;
protected Weighting turnWeighting;
protected boolean hasTurnWeighting;
protected boolean approximate = false;
protected AbstractCoreRoutingAlgorithm(RoutingCHGraph graph, Weighting weighting) {
super(graph.getBaseGraph(), weighting, weighting.hasTurnCosts() ? TraversalMode.EDGE_BASED : TraversalMode.NODE_BASED);
chGraph = graph;
inEdgeExplorer = chGraph.createInEdgeExplorer();
outEdgeExplorer = chGraph.createOutEdgeExplorer();
// TODO Refactoring: remove this unnecessary duplication
if (weighting.hasTurnCosts()) {
hasTurnWeighting = true;
int size = Math.min(2000, Math.max(200, graph.getNodes() / 10));
coreNodeLevel = GraphUtils.getBaseGraph(chGraph).getNodes();
turnRestrictedNodeLevel = coreNodeLevel + 1;
protected abstract void initCollections(int size);
protected SPTEntry bestFwdEntry;
protected SPTEntry bestBwdEntry;
protected double bestWeight = Double.MAX_VALUE;
RoutingCHGraph chGraph;
protected final int coreNodeLevel;
protected final int turnRestrictedNodeLevel;
public abstract void initFrom(int from, double weight, long time);
public abstract void initTo(int to, double weight, long time);
public abstract boolean fillEdgesFrom();
public abstract boolean fillEdgesTo();
* Stopping criterion for phase outside core
* @return should stop
public abstract boolean finishedPhase1();
* Begin running of the algorithm phase inside the core
abstract void runPhase2();
* Stopping criterion for phase inside core
* @return should stop
public abstract boolean finishedPhase2();
* Begin the phase that runs outside of the core
void runPhase1() {
while (!finishedPhase1() && !isMaxVisitedNodesExceeded()) {
if (!finishedFrom)
finishedFrom = !fillEdgesFrom();
if (!finishedTo)
finishedTo = !fillEdgesTo();
protected boolean finished() {
return finishedPhase2();
protected Path extractPath() {
if (finished())
return CorePathExtractor.extractPath(chGraph, weighting, bestFwdEntry, bestBwdEntry, bestWeight);
return createEmptyPath();
protected Path createEmptyPath() {
return new Path(graph.getBaseGraph());
protected void runAlgo() {
// PHASE 1: run modified CH outside of core to find entry points
inCore = false;
// PHASE 2 Perform routing in core with the restrictions filter
inCore = true;
protected void initPhase2() {
public Path calcPath(int from, int to, long at) {
initFrom(from, 0, at);
initTo(to, 0, at);
return extractPath();
public Path calcPath(int from, int to) {
return calcPath(from, to, 0);
public int getVisitedNodes() {
return getVisitedNodesPhase1() + getVisitedNodesPhase2();
public int getVisitedNodesPhase1() {
return visitedCountFrom1 + visitedCountTo1;
public int getVisitedNodesPhase2() {
return visitedCountFrom2 + visitedCountTo2;
public RoutingAlgorithm setEdgeFilter(CoreDijkstraFilter additionalEdgeFilter) {
this.additionalCoreEdgeFilter = additionalEdgeFilter;
return this;
//TODO: refactor CoreEdgeFilter to plain EdgeFilter to avoid overriding this method
protected boolean accept(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState iter, CHEntry prevOrNextEdgeId, boolean reverse) {
if (iter.getEdge() == prevOrNextEdgeId.edge)
return false;
if (iter.isShortcut())
return getIncEdge(iter, !reverse) != prevOrNextEdgeId.incEdge;
return additionalCoreEdgeFilter == null || additionalCoreEdgeFilter.accept(iter);
int getIncEdge(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState iter, boolean reverse) {
if (iter.isShortcut()) {
return reverse ? iter.getSkippedEdge1() : iter.getSkippedEdge2();
} else {
return iter.getOrigEdge();
protected CHEntry createCHEntry(int node, double weight, long time) {
CHEntry entry = new CHEntry(EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE, EdgeIterator.NO_EDGE, node, weight);
entry.time = time;
return entry;
void updateBestPath(SPTEntry entryCurrent, SPTEntry entryOther, double newWeight, boolean reverse) {
bestFwdEntry = reverse ? entryOther : entryCurrent;
bestBwdEntry = reverse ? entryCurrent : entryOther;
bestWeight = newWeight;
boolean isCoreNode(int node) {
return !isVirtualNode(node) && chGraph.getLevel(node) >= coreNodeLevel;
boolean isVirtualNode(int node) {
return node >= graph.getBaseGraph().getNodes();//QueryGraph->BaseGraph
boolean isTurnRestrictedNode(int node) {
return chGraph.getLevel(node) == turnRestrictedNodeLevel;
boolean considerTurnRestrictions(int node) {
if (!hasTurnWeighting)
return false;
if (approximate)
return isTurnRestrictedNode(node);
return true;
double calcEdgeWeight(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState iter, SPTEntry currEdge, boolean reverse) {
return calcWeight(iter, reverse, currEdge.originalEdge, currEdge.time) + currEdge.getWeightOfVisitedPath();
double calcWeight(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState, boolean reverse, int prevOrNextEdgeId, long time) {
double edgeWeight = (edgeState.isShortcut() || !inCore) ?
edgeState.getWeight(reverse) :
weighting.calcEdgeWeight(getEdgeIteratorState(edgeState), reverse, time);
double turnCost = getTurnWeight(prevOrNextEdgeId, edgeState.getBaseNode(), edgeState.getOrigEdge(), reverse);
return edgeWeight + turnCost;
double getTurnWeight(int edgeA, int viaNode, int edgeB, boolean reverse) {
return reverse
? chGraph.getTurnWeight(edgeB, viaNode, edgeA)
: chGraph.getTurnWeight(edgeA, viaNode, edgeB);
EdgeIteratorState getEdgeIteratorState(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState) {
return graph.getBaseGraph().getEdgeIteratorState(edgeState.getEdge(), edgeState.getAdjNode());
long calcEdgeTime(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState iter, SPTEntry currEdge, boolean reverse) {
return 0;
long calcTime(RoutingCHEdgeIteratorState edgeState, boolean reverse, long time) {
return (edgeState.isShortcut() || !inCore) ?
edgeState.getTime(reverse) :
weighting.calcEdgeMillis(getEdgeIteratorState(edgeState), reverse, time);