* Licensed to GraphHopper GmbH under one or more contributor
* license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* GraphHopper GmbH licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.heigit.ors.fastisochrones.partitioning.storage;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.*;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.IntCursor;
import com.carrotsearch.hppc.cursors.IntObjectCursor;
import com.graphhopper.storage.DataAccess;
import com.graphhopper.storage.Directory;
import com.graphhopper.storage.Storable;
import com.graphhopper.util.Helper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static org.heigit.ors.fastisochrones.partitioning.FastIsochroneParameters.isSupercellsEnabled;
import static org.heigit.ors.fastisochrones.storage.ByteConversion.byteArrayToLong;
import static org.heigit.ors.fastisochrones.storage.ByteConversion.longToByteArray;
* Stores nodes ordered by cell and contours of cells.
* @author Hendrik Leuschner
public class CellStorage implements Storable<CellStorage> {
private final DataAccess cells;
private final int byteCount;
private int nodeIndexOffset;
private int contourIndexOffset;
private final int nodeCount;
private long cellContourPointer;
private final IsochroneNodeStorage isochroneNodeStorage;
private IntLongMap cellIdToNodesPointerMap;
private IntLongMap cellIdToContourPointerMap;
private IntIntMap cellIdToSuperCellMap = new IntIntHashMap();
private IntObjectMap<IntHashSet> superCellIdToCellsMap = new IntObjectHashMap<>();
* Instantiates a new Cell storage.
* @param dir the dir
* @param isochroneNodeStorage the isochrone node storage
public CellStorage(int nodeCount, Directory dir, IsochroneNodeStorage isochroneNodeStorage) {
this.isochroneNodeStorage = isochroneNodeStorage;
cells = dir.find("cells");
byteCount = 4;
this.nodeCount = nodeCount;
public boolean loadExisting() {
if (cells.loadExisting()) {
int cellCount = cells.getHeader(0);
nodeIndexOffset = cellCount * 12;
contourIndexOffset = 2 * cellCount * 18;
cellIdToNodesPointerMap = new IntLongHashMap(cellCount);
cellIdToContourPointerMap = new IntLongHashMap(cellCount);
if (isSupercellsEnabled()) {
return true;
return false;
* Init.
public void init() {
int cellCount = isochroneNodeStorage.getCellIds().size();
cellIdToNodesPointerMap = new IntLongHashMap(cellCount);
cellIdToContourPointerMap = new IntLongHashMap(cellCount);
cellIdToSuperCellMap = new IntIntHashMap(cellCount);
* Iterate over all nodes in graph and create a mapping of cells -> nodeIds.
* Create a mapping of cellId -> pointer, as the NodeId count per cell is different and the storage irregular.
* Store both maps in the storage.
public void calcCellNodesMap() {
IntObjectMap<IntHashSet> cellIdToNodesMap = new IntObjectHashMap<>(isochroneNodeStorage.getCellIds().size());
//Calc a hashmap of the cells
for (int node = 0; node < nodeCount; node++) {
int cellId = isochroneNodeStorage.getCellId(node);
if (!cellIdToNodesMap.containsKey(cellId))
cellIdToNodesMap.put(cellId, new IntHashSet());
int cellCount = cellIdToNodesMap.size();
cells.setHeader(0, cellCount);
// 2 12-byte pointer sets for each cellId
// Store pointers in front that point to where the nodes for each cell start
nodeIndexOffset = cellCount * 12;
//There are more contours than cells because of supercell contours
contourIndexOffset = 2 * cellCount * 18;
long nodePointer = contourIndexOffset;
//Put all the cell nodes in the storage
for (IntCursor cellId : cellIdToNodesMap.keys()) {
cells.ensureCapacity(nodePointer + (long) (cellIdToNodesMap.get(cellId.value).size() + 1) * byteCount);
cellIdToNodesPointerMap.put(cellId.value, nodePointer);
for (IntCursor nodeId : cellIdToNodesMap.get(cellId.value)) {
cells.setInt(nodePointer, nodeId.value);
nodePointer = nodePointer + (long) byteCount;
//Add a trailing -1 so we know when to stop
cells.setInt(nodePointer, -1);
nodePointer = nodePointer + (long) byteCount;
//Set the contour node pointer to the end of the nodes part
cellContourPointer = nodePointer;
//Put the cellId to pointer map into the storage
//Layout: [cellId (4B), pointer to nodes (8B)]
long listPointer = 0;
for (IntCursor cellId : cellIdToNodesPointerMap.keys()) {
cells.setInt(listPointer, cellId.value);
listPointer = listPointer + (long) byteCount;
nodePointer = cellIdToNodesPointerMap.get(cellId.value);
cells.setBytes(listPointer, longToByteArray(nodePointer), 8);
listPointer = listPointer + (long) byteCount + (long) byteCount;
* Get nodes of cell int hash set.
* @param cellId the cell id
* @return the int hash set
public IntHashSet getNodesOfCell(int cellId) {
if (cellIdToNodesPointerMap.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("CellStorage not filled yet. Was calcCellNodesMap run?");
long nodePointer = cellIdToNodesPointerMap.get(cellId);
int currentNode = cells.getInt(nodePointer);
IntHashSet nodeIds = new IntHashSet();
while (currentNode != -1) {
nodePointer = nodePointer + (long) byteCount;
currentNode = cells.getInt(nodePointer);
return nodeIds;
* Sets cell contour order.
* @param cellId the cell id
* @param latitudes the latitudes
* @param longitudes the longitudes
public void setCellContourOrder(int cellId, List<Double> latitudes, List<Double> longitudes) {
if (latitudes.size() != longitudes.size())
throw new IllegalStateException("lat and lon must be same size");
cellIdToContourPointerMap.put(cellId, cellContourPointer);
cells.ensureCapacity(cellContourPointer + (long) 8 * (latitudes.size() + 1));
for (int i = 0; i < latitudes.size(); i++) {
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, Helper.degreeToInt(latitudes.get(i)));
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, Helper.degreeToInt(longitudes.get(i)));
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
//Add a trailing int max value so we know when to stop
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
* Get cell contour order list.
* @param cellId the cell id
* @return the list
public List<Double> getCellContourOrder(int cellId) {
if (cellIdToContourPointerMap.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cell contours not stored yet.");
List<Double> order = new ArrayList<>();
long nodePointer = cellIdToContourPointerMap.get(cellId);
double lat = Helper.intToDegree(cells.getInt(nodePointer));
nodePointer = nodePointer + (long) (byteCount);
double lon = Helper.intToDegree(cells.getInt(nodePointer));
while (cells.getInt(nodePointer) != Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
nodePointer = nodePointer + (long) (byteCount);
lat = Helper.intToDegree(cells.getInt(nodePointer));
nodePointer = nodePointer + (long) (byteCount);
lon = Helper.intToDegree(cells.getInt(nodePointer));
return order;
* Get cells of super cell int hash set.
* @param superCell the super cell
* @return the int hash set
public IntHashSet getCellsOfSuperCell(int superCell) {
return superCellIdToCellsMap.get(superCell);
* Get cells of super cell as list list.
* @param superCell the super cell
* @return the list
public List<Integer> getCellsOfSuperCellAsList(int superCell) {
if (superCellIdToCellsMap.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Supercells not calculated yet.");
return Arrays.stream(superCellIdToCellsMap.get(superCell).toArray()).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());
* Get super cell of cell int.
* @param cell the cell
* @return the int
public int getSuperCellOfCell(int cell) {
return cellIdToSuperCellMap.getOrDefault(cell, -1);
* Store contour pointer map.
public void storeContourPointerMap() {
long listPointer = nodeIndexOffset;
long nodePointer;
//Store the number of contours (= num cells + num supercells)
cells.setHeader(4, cellIdToContourPointerMap.keys().size());
for (IntCursor cellId : cellIdToContourPointerMap.keys()) {
cells.setInt(listPointer, cellId.value);
listPointer = listPointer + (long) byteCount;
nodePointer = cellIdToContourPointerMap.get(cellId.value);
cells.setBytes(listPointer, longToByteArray(nodePointer), 8);
listPointer = listPointer + (long) byteCount + (long) byteCount;
* Store super cells. It's a block at the end of all other data that stores [superCellId0, subcell0, subcell1, ..., -1, superCellId1, subcell0, subcell1, ..., -1, ..., -1]
* End denomination is by -1 for each supercell block and for the whole block we add another trailing -1.
* @param superCells the super cells
public void storeSuperCells(IntObjectMap<IntHashSet> superCells) {
//Store the beginning of the supercells information
superCellIdToCellsMap = superCells;
cells.setHeader(8, (int) (cellContourPointer >> 32));
cells.setHeader(12, (int) cellContourPointer);
for (IntObjectCursor<IntHashSet> superCell : superCells) {
// + 1 for supercellId and + 1 for trailing -1
cells.ensureCapacity(cellContourPointer + (long) (superCell.value.size() + 2) * byteCount);
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, superCell.key);
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
for (IntCursor cellId : superCell.value) {
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, cellId.value);
cellIdToSuperCellMap.put(cellId.value, superCell.key);
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
//Add trailing -1 to signal next entry
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, -1);
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
//Add second trailing -1 to mark end of superCell block
cells.ensureCapacity(cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount);
cells.setInt(cellContourPointer, -1);
cellContourPointer = cellContourPointer + (long) byteCount;
private void fillCellIdToNodesPointerMap() {
int cellCount = cells.getHeader(0);
byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) {
int cellId = cells.getInt((long) i * 12);
cells.getBytes((long) i * 12 + 4, buffer, 8);
long nodePointer = byteArrayToLong(buffer);
cellIdToNodesPointerMap.put(cellId, nodePointer);
private void fillCellIdToContourPointerMap() {
int contourCount = cells.getHeader(4);
byte[] buffer = new byte[8];
long listPointer = nodeIndexOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < contourCount; i++) {
int cellId = cells.getInt(listPointer);
listPointer = listPointer + (long) byteCount;
cells.getBytes(listPointer, buffer, 8);
long nodePointer = byteArrayToLong(buffer);
listPointer = listPointer + (long) 8;
cellIdToContourPointerMap.put(cellId, nodePointer);
private void fillSuperCellMap() {
long bytePos = (long) cells.getHeader(8) << 32 | cells.getHeader(12) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
while (cells.getInt(bytePos) != -1) {
int superCellId = cells.getInt(bytePos);
IntHashSet cellIds = new IntHashSet();
bytePos += byteCount;
while (cells.getInt(bytePos) != -1) {
bytePos += byteCount;
superCellIdToCellsMap.put(superCellId, cellIds);
bytePos += byteCount;
private void fillCellIdToSuperCellMap() {
for (IntObjectCursor<IntHashSet> superCell : superCellIdToCellsMap) {
for (IntCursor cellId : superCell.value) {
cellIdToSuperCellMap.put(cellId.value, superCell.key);
* Is contour prepared boolean.
* @return the boolean
public boolean isContourPrepared() {
return cells.getHeader(16) > 0;
* Set contour prepared.
* @param prepared the prepared
public void setContourPrepared(boolean prepared) {
cells.setHeader(16, prepared ? 1 : 0);
public CellStorage create(long byteCount) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Do not call CellStorage.create directly");
public void flush() {
public void close() {
public boolean isClosed() {
return cells.isClosed();
public long getCapacity() {
return cells.getCapacity();