* This file is part of Openrouteservice.
* Openrouteservice is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
* if not, see <>.
package org.heigit.ors.api.requests.common;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.Extension;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.extensions.ExtensionProperty;
import org.heigit.ors.api.requests.matrix.MatrixRequest;
import org.heigit.ors.api.requests.routing.RequestProfileParams;
import org.heigit.ors.api.APIEnums;
import org.heigit.ors.routing.RouteRequestParameterNames;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
@Schema(name = "Matrix Options", description = "Advanced options for matrix", subTypes = {MatrixRequest.class})
public class RequestOptions implements RouteRequestParameterNames {
@Schema(name = PARAM_AVOID_FEATURES, description = "List of features to avoid. ",
extensions = {@Extension(name = "itemRestrictions", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "ref", value = "profile"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "itemsWhen", value = "{\"driving-*\":[\"highways\",\"tollways\",\"ferries\"],\"cycling-*\":[\"ferries\",\"steps\",\"fords\"],\"foot-*\":[\"ferries\",\"fords\",\"steps\"],\"wheelchair\":[\"ferries\",\"steps\"]}", parseValue = true)}
example = "[\"highways\"]")
private APIEnums.AvoidFeatures[] avoidFeatures;
private boolean hasAvoidFeatures = false;
@Schema(name = PARAM_AVOID_BORDERS, description = "`all` for no border crossing. `controlled` to cross open borders but avoid controlled ones. Only for `driving-*` profiles. ",
extensions = {@Extension(name = "validWhen", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "ref", value = "profile"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "value", value = "driving-*")}
example = "controlled")
private APIEnums.AvoidBorders avoidBorders;
private boolean hasAvoidBorders = false;
@Schema(name = PARAM_AVOID_COUNTRIES, description = """
List of countries to exclude from matrix with `driving-*` profiles. Can be used together with `'avoid_borders': 'controlled'`. \
`[ 11, 193 ]` would exclude Austria and Switzerland. List of countries and application examples can be found [here]( \
Also, ISO standard country codes cna be used in place of the numerical ids, for example, DE or DEU for Germany. \
extensions = {@Extension(name = "validWhen", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "ref", value = "profile"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "value", value = "driving-*")}
example = "[ 11, 193 ]")
private String[] avoidCountries;
private boolean hasAvoidCountries = false;
@Schema(name = PARAM_VEHICLE_TYPE, description = "(for profile=driving-hgv only): hgv,bus,agricultural,delivery,forestry and goods. It is needed for vehicle restrictions to work. ",
extensions = {@Extension(name = "validWhen", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "ref", value = "profile"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "value", value = "driving-hgv")}
defaultValue = "hgv")
@JsonProperty(value = PARAM_VEHICLE_TYPE)
private APIEnums.VehicleType vehicleType;
private boolean hasVehicleType = false;
@Schema(name = PARAM_PROFILE_PARAMS, description = " Specifies additional matrix parameters.",
extensions = {@Extension(name = "validWhen", properties = {
@ExtensionProperty(name = "ref", value = "profile"),
@ExtensionProperty(name = "valueNot", value = "driving-car")}
private RequestProfileParams profileParams;
private boolean hasProfileParams = false;
@Schema(name = PARAM_AVOID_POLYGONS, description = "Comprises areas to be avoided for the route. Formatted in GeoJSON as either a Polygon or Multipolygon object.")
private JSONObject avoidPolygonFeatures;
private boolean hasAvoidPolygonFeatures = false;
public APIEnums.AvoidFeatures[] getAvoidFeatures() {
return avoidFeatures;
public void setAvoidFeatures(APIEnums.AvoidFeatures[] avoidFeatures) {
this.avoidFeatures = avoidFeatures;
hasAvoidFeatures = true;
public APIEnums.AvoidBorders getAvoidBorders() {
return avoidBorders;
public void setAvoidBorders(APIEnums.AvoidBorders avoidBorders) {
this.avoidBorders = avoidBorders;
hasAvoidBorders = true;
public String[] getAvoidCountries() {
return avoidCountries;
public void setAvoidCountries(String[] avoidCountries) {
this.avoidCountries = avoidCountries;
hasAvoidCountries = true;
public APIEnums.VehicleType getVehicleType() {
return vehicleType;
public void setVehicleType(APIEnums.VehicleType vehicleType) {
this.vehicleType = vehicleType;
hasVehicleType = true;
public RequestProfileParams getProfileParams() {
return profileParams;
public void setProfileParams(RequestProfileParams profileParams) {
this.profileParams = profileParams;
hasProfileParams = true;
public JSONObject getAvoidPolygonFeatures() {
return avoidPolygonFeatures;
public void setAvoidPolygonFeatures(JSONObject avoidPolygonFeatures) {
this.avoidPolygonFeatures = avoidPolygonFeatures;
hasAvoidPolygonFeatures = true;
public boolean hasAvoidFeatures() {
return hasAvoidFeatures;
public boolean hasAvoidBorders() {
return hasAvoidBorders;
public boolean hasAvoidCountries() {
return hasAvoidCountries;
public boolean hasVehicleType() {
return hasVehicleType;
public boolean hasProfileParams() {
return hasProfileParams;
public boolean hasAvoidPolygonFeatures() {
return hasAvoidPolygonFeatures;